EDC promoting vacation rental program
El Dorado County is putting on a meeting March 4 about the Good Neighbor Program for vacation home rentals.
It starts at 11am in the conference room at the South Lake Tahoe Library, 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd., South Lake Tahoe.
The purpose of the meeting is to explain how the Good Neighbor Program works and how owners or their agents are the responsible party to encourage tenants to be courteous and thoughtful in their actions. Another purpose of the program is to explain the ordinance in plain English to visitors.
The brochure is also available online.
I’m glad to hear El Dorado County is promoting this “Good Neighbor Program” for vacation rentals.
It’s not that hard really. Just walk down to your new neighbors, introduce yourself and welcome them to Tahoe. Now you’ve broken the ice, as it were, and made them feel welcome on the street. Who knows? You might make new friends and they’ll invite you down to their neck of the woods for a stay!
Be nice to our guests as they are what keeps this town going. OLS
It’s simple. Tell these tourists to be quiet or be evicted and lose their deposit. I have zero interest in them being in my neighborhood and have even less interest in meeting them. They are city people and a huge reason I left a city over 30yrs ago. I will call EDSO when necessary. A call to a management company is worthless.
Agreed. No interest in meeting Bay Area idiots. Go home.
So from a couple of the comments here if someone is visitng from out of town you tell them to “go home”?
If a visitor is making more noise than you find acceptacle you call the cops and have him evicted?
What about the neighbor who has relatives up for a visit, you tell them to leave?
Hhmmm. Welcome to Lake Tahoe,now go away! Nice attitude folks. Good luck with that. OLS
Funny that the local idiots never want to meet or interact with visiting “idiots”! After all, ignorance is bliss…………………
Ok let’s cut the c**p. VCR have been an ongoing nuisance for over 30 years (until 15 years ago they were in violation of the law) and the authorities have done very little to control the problem. Until the people at the top clamp down, the foot soldiers will consider this problem a very low priority and respond accordingly. I will be there to see if the bull and platitudes continue, or hopefully, the officials are now willing to do what the local impacted citizens want and need to control the problem.
Both the city and county officials have been guilty of gross malfeasance (my opinion) in dealing with this enormous question, not to mention losing out on millions of dollars of TOT.
OK politicos, now is the time to do the right thing for us citizens who live here and want to enjoy our homes and environment in relative peace and quiet.
An open note to any folks that have or plan on visiting the South Shore and may be reading this site and the comments in the forum:
Please know that some of the negative opinions as expressed by a couple of above posts, and some others of a like mind that have yet to post on this thread only represent a minuscule percentage of Tahoe locals. The majority of us enjoy meeting you and we thank you for choosing the South Shore to come and spend your vacation!
@level simply not true. Have you ever seen a poll of SLT residents and how they feel about “tourons”? I believe It was close to 70% of residents HATE tourists.
It’s not my fault some of you have crappy jobs that rely on tips from visitors. Maybe you shoulda got that college degree?
Level, how long have you been renting out your home or better yet how long have you been in real estate or the VCR business? You know nothing of what you speak as amply shown by your blathering nonsense.
I don’t dislike or want to stop VCR’s but I demand civility and respect toward the impacted neighbors.
Kits Carson & Mr. Mustache, If you really dislike our out of town visitors as much as you say, I say YOU move away.This is a resort town and people come here to Tahoe for all of its beauty and all its recreational activities.
Tahoe has a lot to offer, so if you ain’t into it, look for another locale to reside.
My Dad was vacationing here in the 1920’s and 30’s and he tells me it was a resort town even back then.
So if you don’t like people coming here to enjoy our slice of paradise? I say those folks who are hateful of visitors should move on. OLS (who grew up in this tourist town we call home)
Legal, I’m not in the real estate business, and I don’t even own a home, although I’ve been here well over thirty years.
Mr Mustache, A) Tourism has been the main economic engine driving our local economy since the casinos were built at Stateline. B) Are you inferring that YOU have never traveled farther than 50 miles from your home and therefore have never been a “touron” yourself at some point in your life?
No Level, I always respect the tranquility of my neighbors, whether in a hotel room with paper thin walls or visiting residential neighborhoods.
Either you are fortunate to not be impacted by continuously barking dogs or possibly are very hard of hearing.
The visiting tourists are paying 5,6,7 hundred bucks a night to stay in neighborhood homes and try all to often to get their monies worth and damn the people living within earshot. Add alcohol to the mix and may the wild party begin.
OLS and Level:
Thank you for demonstrating intellect and civility on this topic. It’s good for people reading this to know that not everyone in Tahoe is ignorant and mean-spirited and that the percentage of wretched locals is small.
For some of you others, it’s like you just quit your job and burned your bridges. Since tourists to the SLT area are from where a huge source of revenue is generated which is used to operate our communities your insults pretty much assure that people won’t want to come here. It’s like you just told your boss to go f-himself and now you’ve lost your income. Good work folks.
I was born and lived on the SF Peninsula until I moved to SLT 14-years ago, because Tahoe is so beautiful and because I wanted to live in an environment that was more like the one where I grew up. I was excited about living here but I was so naïve that I thought anyone living in Tahoe must surely be happy just for having the opportunity to wake up each morning in such a beautiful place. I was wrong; this place has its fair share of negative and miserable people just like anywhere else. Hopefully the generation succeeding you miserable folks will be a nicer group of people.
Spouse – 4-mer-usmc
PS: And for anyone living in SLT who wasn’t born here, there was a time when you were either a tourist or a new resident. Try treating newbies with the same respect that you were given that made you want to stay here.
It’s not just about vacation rentals- its second homeowners that leave their lights on all hours of the day and night. My solution was to provide the neighbors with timers and suggested they kindly us them- it is the neighborly thing to do. We are all happy.
OLS- you are correct- when I first moved here I didn’t know a soul on my street of 13 homes. I knocked on each door and found out all are second homeowners and didn’t really know each other. The next July 4th a majority were here so I coordinated a progressive dinner. Everyone came, got to know each other and now 10 years later we are still getting together for a 4th celebration
Hey spouse, get your own moniker. You were never a United States Marine and have no right to ride on your husband’s service to this country. Your opinion is always welcome but do it on your own.
It isn’t all vacationers and 2nd home owners. I have a bigger problem with full timers that let their dogs bark all day and night, run loose and poop everywhere, have arguments with open doors and windows so all can hear, grow pot indoors, have late night parties with disregard to their neighbors, leave garbage out, etc. Not one of these neighbors are vacation rentals. So stop blaming everything on tourists and 2nd home owners. I hope some of you that hate tourists so much get treated with the same hostility the next time you are a tourist somewhere.
4-mer- You are correct. There are many unhappy and negative people here – as there are anywhere in the USA today. It’s an epidemic. Here’s the prescription- get out and walk, preferably up a hill, in the woods or by a Lake- at least 5 days a week. This was from my beloved Dr. It works.
Humans + Nature = Contentment. Happy residents makes for better experiences for our visitors.
I don’t have any problem with tourists, I have a problem with bad behavior ruining the peaceful enjoyment of my home, and there being very little to rectify the problem.
It gets pretty old to have to call in a disturbance over and over again, and when you get to this point, you have already been awoken in the middle of the night, good luck trying to get back to sleep, and the next day you often have a pretty rough day due to your sleep being disturbed.
The brochure is a good step, it comes across as welcoming, but also makes the renter aware that they are in a quiet residential neighborhood, and they need to act appropriately or there will be some mystery consequences.
Require VCR managers to give the brochure with their contract for rental, so people will have a heads up that residential neighborhood rentals are not a place for having a party or being loud, being in a commercial area would be more appropriate for that (maybe not even there!, as people there will be disturbed too, maybe that’s why they have moved the party to the residential neighborhoods :(
Enforce some law, any law, get this under control!
legal beagle:
No I wasn’t a Marine but my spouse and I use the same computer which is OUR community property. Since we post from the same computer and LTN only allows “one moniker” I post under “Spouse” so as not to be confused with “4-mer”.
Is that a problem for you?
Spouse, yes it was. You owed an explanation which you have now given.
I believe you can change your ID each time you use the comment section which will allow you to use your own ID when either you or your husband want to comment. A little more trouble but clarity is enhanced.
Isee, not only will you be more tranquil you will live longer and healthier. Good suggestion.
OMG. I am embarrased for some of the rude and lack of empathy comments. I understand SOME renters are a problem, but not everyone who rents is Tahoe is. The attacks on posters is apalling. This is America. We have to right to disagree. I use to rent my home for vacations. In the ten years I rented it, I only had one problem and my neighbors called me. Has anyone ever thought about calling the actual owner of the property. Please folks, there is no need to attach each other. We are a tourist town. We love it here and so do the tourists. Relax, breathe and ask people nicely to please quiet down. It really does work.
Cautious and Skeptical, Yes it is good to get to know your neighbors. I been doin’ it for years and from my view point, it builds a stronger and more helpful community. I don’t care if they are weekend rentals or vacation homeowners that only come up once a year. The full timers can sometimes be a bit much with barking dogs and all night parties, so I say you’ve got to speak with the noisy ones and ask them to quiet down.
So you have to take the good with the bad. I’ve had both! OLS
I have a full time rental next door and have had only 2 problems in the last roughly 40 rentals. When the renters show up I greet them, discuss the need for proper trash handling (to protect our bears) and remind them they are staying in a residential neighborhood. Takes less than 5 minutes and puts them on notice. The problems only occurred with an overflowing house of 20 somethings.
Shadow, I think you summed it up pretty well in regards to rental property. Talk to the renters politely and ask them to tone it down or to stop partying by a certain time.
Also if you’re a landlord keep a close eye on what goes on with your rental home. I kept buggin’ my tennatns to clean up the backyard and pay the rent on time. Which they didn’t
So far, after kickin’ em’ out, I’ve hauled out a lot of trash and pine needles.
So as to out of town guests and new neighbors? Get to know them! I might add don’t rent to people who you suspect of drug use. OLS
Here’s the difference when IM a tourist somewhere else. I’m respectful, quiet and act the same way I would at home. For some reason when people come here it’s like the rules of being human no longer apply. No parking on hwy 89? But we wanna look at the lake so the rules don’t matter. Neighbors have work tomorrow morning? Who cares I’m on vacay! Wooooo more beer bongs!
I would like to understand what authority you believe you have to demand spouse to post under a new id, or to comment on her “rights”. Are you drinking heavily or what?
Spouse perfectly and clearly identified her separateness from her husband. She owes you nor anybody else anything, especially an explanation for how she identifies herself.
She may be (I think should be) quite proud to have lived with the travails inherent to being a serviceman’s wife. What a nice way to say it.
Legal, I think that you should reconsider your lack of empathy for the wife of a Marine. She served, undoubtedly. Semper Fi.