Letter: Meyers deserves elected representation
Publisher’s note: The following letter was sent to the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors on March 16, 2015.
Dear El Dorado County Board of Supervisors,
We are a concerned group of local Meyers srea residents and stakeholders in need of assistance. The letter below was submitted to our elected supervisor, Sue Novasel, earlier this year. Unfortunately, before we could meet with her to discuss our concerns, the county’s legal counsel determined she cannot participate in the Meyers Area Plan process, and we were directed by her assistant to coordinate with the same county staff we have been dealing with for over a year. Not only does this create concerns regarding the same process issues which have thus far, failed to support a true, transparent community or area plan update process, but it also leaves our community without an elected representative who will work on our behalf, first and foremost, regarding planning for the future of the Meyers area.
We therefore request you add an agenda item to the next possible Board of Supervisors meeting to discuss how our community can be adequately represented by an elected official. Further, we request the Meyers Area Plan update process — which notably will guide the future of our community for the next twenty years — be delayed until we have elected representation for our community.
Joe Cardinale, Angie Olson, Jennifer Quashnick, Moya Sanders, Rebecca Schwartz and Diane Verwoest