Letter: Public should have input into dredging

To the community,

It has come to my attention that the homeowners in the Tahoe Keys area are planning to have their manmade lagoons dredged as early as this week because the drought is causing the water level to inhibit boat access. This isn’t right. The Keys have been an environmental nightmare since their beginnings – the beautiful marsh land was raped by developers and the unnatural keys cause silt to spread into Tahoe every time they are dredged.

Leona Allen

Leona Allen

In addition, everything that is spilled onto the land in the Keys washes into the lake – fertilizer, car and boat oil, detergents, paint, and chemicals of every kind. So now, at a time when Tahoe becomes more sensitive with the drought, the homeowners want to dredge. This is an action that will be a detriment to the entire lake, and will only benefit a few of the boat-owning Tahoe Keys residents.

If you disagree with this, please make yourself heard. Permitting agencies include TRPA, Lahontan, and possibly the city of South Lake Tahoe. Which brings up another point – has the public had the opportunity to comment on this? I certainly would have been the first in line had I known of open meetings.

Tahoe native,

Leona Allen, South Lake Tahoe