Navy Reserve a way of life for SLT man

Publisher’s note: March 3, 2015, marks 100 years of the U.S. Navy Reserve.

By Dana Ayers

In addition to his dental practice and involvement with his local Catholic church, Lt. Tim Durkin of South Lake Tahoe also serves our nation as a member of the U.S. Navy Reserve attached to Navy Operational Support Center Reno.

Durkin, a Bay Area native, graduated from Woodside High School in 1971 and enlisted in the Navy one year later. He served as a radioman for four years before separating from service to attend dental school and start a family.

lt. durkin

Lt. Tim Durkin

“Looking back, it was a mistake to leave,” said Durkin, now 61. “When the opportunity was presented to apply for the Navy Reserves several years ago, I jumped at the chance. The Navy was good to me in my early years and I wanted to give something back. My skill as a dentist gives me that opportunity. I am hoping to deploy overseas to relieve a young officer with a family.”

The Navy provided numerous opportunities for Durkin, from his first ride in an airplane, to introducing him to his wife who was working for the Navy when they met 38 years ago. Durkin was also able to finance part of his dental education through the GI bill and purchase his first home using a VA loan, all due to his service. Durkin continues to gain opportunities as a reservist.

“The Navy Reserve has enriched my life with fellowship and a purpose beyond myself,” said Durkin. “I use the leadership training I am receiving daily with my employees, and hopefully they will tell you I’m becoming a better employer.”

Durkin also touted the Reserve’s commitment to physical and mental health, adding, “I am in better shape both physically and mentally than I have ever been, and I’m 61 years old.”

Vice Admiral Braun, chief of the Navy Reserve, is proud to lead such a talented and dedicated group of Sailors.

“The commitment of our talented Sailors to the Navy, their shipmates and their community is truly inspirational,” said Braun. “Their continued dedicated service in support of the Navy, Marine Corps and Joint Force lends credence to our motto: ‘Ready Now. Anytime, Anywhere’.”

Dana Ayers is an ensign in the Navy.


Note: The Navy Reserve contributed 84 percent of the Navy manpower during World War II. Since 9/11, more than 70,000 Navy Reserve sailors have been mobilized and deployed to serve in Iraq and Afghanistan, including more than 8,000 who have done a second combat tour. Today, at least 20,000 Navy Reserve sailors, or about one-third of the Navy’s Reserve component, is providing fully integrated global operational support to the fleet and combatant commanders.