NDOW investigating injured Tahoe goose
By Kellene Stockwell, KTVN-TV
The Nevada Department of Wildlife says it’s trying to find a way to help a goose that is stuck near Lake Tahoe with an arrow through its body.
Viewer Mark Sarkissian sent us a photo and video of the injured goose near Cave Rock.
He says he first noticed the bird on Sunday afternoon.
On Monday a group of us from Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care, Jolena Hearn, Bob and Jenny Sweatt, and myself made an attempt at rescuing it. Obviously we had no luck. Even with the arrow it could move through the water quite well and when we had it cornered on a small beach amongst the rocks it was quite capable of flight and flew right past us.
Damn the poacher who did this!! I trust Karma will put an arrow where it really belongs.
That’s messed up. I agree with Aspen.
I agree with Gaspen and Hmmm. Poachers suck. Hunting is fine, but for heaven’s sake pay for the license, and make sure whatever you kill is dead as quickly as possible. Oh, and eat the goose as well. There’s absolutely no reason to leave excellent food lying out there.
You know in Las Vegas there was a goose who had a arrow in the lake and they kept the arrow in side of it,because it was stated it was safer.The goose lived a long time.
I am sure my comment will cause concern, so sorry in advance, but does it not make sense to make an exception to Hunting Regulations this one time and let a hunter shoot the goose? The poor thing must be in pain, so shoot it and the hunter with the best aim gets a free dinner. Then the rest of the hunters can shoot the poacher-ass who shot the goose!