USFS looking for input on wild and scenic rivers
The U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit is evaluating rivers that may be eligible for inclusion in the National Wild and Scenic River system and will host a webinar March 31 from 4-5pm to explain the process.
The webinar will include a brief presentation of the overall evaluation process, the procedure used to inventory the rivers in the Lake Tahoe Basin, and the “outstanding remarkable values” that would be used to determine eligibility. A question and answer period will follow the presentation.
To access the webinar, Microsoft Office Live Meeting must be installed on your computer.
To access the webinar, go online. Use 888.844.9904 to connect to the audio portion of the webinar. When prompted, type in the participant code: 8683968.
The draft Wild and Scenic Rivers Study is available online. Comments are due April 10; submitted via email to, using the subject: Wild and Scenic. For more information on the study and how to comment, contact Mike LeFevre at 530.543.2840 or email