2015 could become hottest year on record


By News 10

We are only four months into 2015 and the path to another “hottest year on record” is laid before us.

So far, 2015 has been the hottest start to a year on record for the planet. Many people on the East Coast would disagree with that statement, and they have good reason to be skeptical. The East Coast has been experiencing colder-than-average temperatures, and many locations had either their coldest winter on record or close to it.

The stark fact is the West Coast was just as extreme in the opposite direction and most of the globe was much warmer than average. Folks on the East Coast have a point, but not the point.

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Comments (17)
  1. Sandy Myron says - Posted: April 19, 2015

    The general public should be asking questions with regard to geoengineering/chemtrails and its effects. The continuous aerosol spraying of aluminum, barium, strontium and sulfuric acid throughout our skies to supposedly combat global warming should be of grave concern to all of us. Why is geoengineering/chemtrails not being reported in the media? The general public should be asking questions with regard to the effects on human health, water, plants, etc. And is there a risk that these programs are causing a disturbance in our weather? Drought? I urge the public to inquire on this matter. I think you all will be astonished at what is taking place.
    Sandy Myron

  2. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: April 19, 2015

    I don’t care if my lettuce has DDT on it as long as it’s crisp.

    that has been my favorite quote to describe the average American.

    since I first herd it in 1970.

    weather warfare is probably a real thing.

  3. Isee says - Posted: April 19, 2015

    Thanks Sandy, For anyone who hasn’t heard ‘Geoengineering’ is the scientific term for screwing with the weather. 150 patents exists and entities such as our military and Lockheed Martin are burying us in heavy metal fallout as they try to change the amounts of rain that will fall out of a storm, the temperature at which it snows and how much heat is created as the sun hits the surface of the planet. There is a U.N. treaty against doing this to another country (because we practiced on Cambodia), but it’s okay to do it to your own citizens. Go to Geoengineering Warning: It’s major league bad news

  4. duke of prunes says - Posted: April 19, 2015

    Sandy is misinformed. No one is spraying anything. You have never seen a ‘chemtrail’. Heavy metals are not used in cloud seeding.

  5. Isee says - Posted: April 19, 2015

    Heavy metals are being used to disperse sunlight. Geoengineering is real and is ongoing for decades in various forms. This is one of those things that once you know, you can’t pretend you don’t know- ever again.

  6. Sandy Myron says - Posted: April 19, 2015

    Duke of Prunes — There are numerous Geoengineering articles in Scientific American and what types of metals they are using in their aerosol spraying. Once again, do your research. There is a Global March Against Geoengineering this coming Saturday, April 25th at Lake Tahoe Commons and most likely LTCC. As of now there are 90 countries protesting (April 25th) against this insidious act. There will be plenty of hand outs to educate the public.

  7. Susan Frisbie says - Posted: April 20, 2015

    CHEMTRAILS Eye Witness Testimony Disclosure from
    Ex-USAF (United States Air Force) NCO Kristen Meghan Edwards.


    Kristen Meghan is and has been blowing the whistle on the Air Force. She has witnessed the importation of canisters of powdered toxic metals including aluminum, strontium and barium onto U.S. Air Force bases.
    What does this mean?
    This is the missing link we’ve been waiting for. These are the metals we are finding in soil samples, rainwater samples, dust samples, and human blood samples all around the world.
    Where is all this metal coming from? The SKY! Look up! And its ending up in your lungs, your food and your water!

    Listen carefully to THIS Kristen Meghan VIDEO!

  8. Susan Frisbie says - Posted: April 20, 2015

    Another military man, retired U.S. Army General Bert Stubblebine III, discusses geoengineering, military drills on US soil, and 911. The point is, many high-level military and other professionals are and already have stepped up to help the public at-large wake up. Please get informed if you aren’t already! Our lives are literally at stake! I also think a massive contacting of our congressional representatives on this (and other) issues would finally make it impossible for them to ignore this. Please view the following YouTube for this information:

  9. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: April 20, 2015

    Geoengineering? When I first read about this years ago I was thinking, that’s crazy! What a bunch of idiots!
    Chemtrails? Weather modification? Spraying from jets?
    After reading up on this and watching some videos, I’m beginning to wonder. Can this really be happening?
    I have seen jets flying at high alttitude that criss cross making a checkerboard pattern over the lake. Making a bright blue sky into a overcast day as the “contrails” spread out and just hung there.
    It all seems so farfetched, but it may just be worthy of your own observation.
    Watching the sky, OLS

  10. Mama Bear says - Posted: April 20, 2015

    More fodder for the Chicken Little-The sky is falling crowd.
    Back in the mid 70’s the battle cry was a mini ice age was coming.
    Yes, the climate is changing. It always has and always will. We are just in a period of increasing temps. Wait a few years.

  11. Isee says - Posted: April 20, 2015

    Hello Sandy Myron- Where is Lake Tahoe Commons? What time? Thanks

  12. Rick says - Posted: April 20, 2015

    Mama bear, sorry that facts blow up your narrative. Please do a little research instead of relying on myths based on by others. This took me all of 30secs to run a search.

    yes, the climate is changing, driven largely by humans addiction to fossil fuels.

    You clearly are part of the “next time you want an operation, go to a plumber instead of a surgeon, crowd.



  13. TeaTotal says - Posted: April 20, 2015

    I’ll be attending this very important hate gubmint meeting with a full array of tinfoil products for sale -from custom made hats to full body suits-everything you need to deny science and support Alex Jones and the numerous other grifters that know how easy it is to dupe the low info-hate radio/fox crowd.

  14. Sandy Myron says - Posted: April 20, 2015

    Isee — Lakeview Commons Beach, aka El Dorado Beach.
    April 25th, 11:30am-2:30pm.
    I really hope you can make it.

  15. greengrass says - Posted: April 20, 2015

    I agree with Sandy and Isee. Anyone who knows anything about airways, flightpaths, and contrails knows that the trails we are seeing in the sky are NOT contrails. They simply do not obey the laws of physics, and most of them are far away from the major airways. Something is definitely up.

  16. rock4tahoe says - Posted: April 22, 2015

    Sandy, better check your “facts” again. The largest “chemicals” being released into the atmosphere are CO2 and smog; mainly from India and China.

    I would be more concerned with radiation leaking from the Fukushima nuclear meltdown then chemtrails.