Judge: Pot stays on most-dangerous drug list


By Maura Dolan, Los Angeles Times

Efforts to legalize marijuana suffered a defeat in court Wednesday when a judge upheld the constitutionality of a 1970 federal law that classifies cannabis as a dangerous drug akin to LSD and heroin.

U.S. District Judge Kimberly J. Mueller, announcing her decision at a hearing in Sacramento, said she could not lightly overturn a law passed by Congress.

Mueller agreed last year to hold an extensive fact-finding hearing on the issue, raising the hopes of activists seeking to legalize marijuana and worrying opponents who consider the drug a threat to health and public safety. The hearing marked the first time in decades that a judge was willing to examine the classification of marijuana under the 1970 Controlled Substances Act.

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Comments (20)
  1. Steve Kubby says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    THIS ARTICLE IS SO CLUELESS, IT IS LAUGHABLE. No lower court judge is going to rule in our favor, We knew that going in. The point is that we can now bring this case before the 9th Circuit Court, where we have an excellent chance to have the 1970 Controlled Substance Act declared unconstitutional, which is most certainly is. After all, why did alcohol prohibition require a constitutional amendment, but no such amendment was ever used to make weed illegal? The CSA is bogus and, now that it is finally before the Federal court system, it’s going to fall.

  2. Linda says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    Well, we know it was only one Judge, All the others know it is going to fail.We won .A dangerous drug ? Its a joke ,take it as

  3. LeanForward says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    Not a dangerous drug Anyone that makes a case for it being dangerous is full of beans. It needs to be legalized. End of story.

  4. Tioga says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    “Mueller, an Obama appointee.” Enough said.

  5. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    Comparing marijuana to heroin, LSD, and other Schedule 1 drugs like Ecstasy and mescaline is about as ignorant as Obama is to telling the truth.

  6. Doc says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    “Mueller, an Obama appointee”. Enough said.

  7. TeaTotal says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    gaspenasphole and doc-what’s next on your political agenda after bigotry and willful ignorance for ’16?-misogyny?
    marijuana should have been legal and taxed like alcohol decades ago-conservative fundagelicals and ideologues duped the easily duped with fear as always

  8. Dogula says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    Really, totaled? Did you watch the video? Somehow I doubt it.
    I am FOR legalization. But you don’t care about that, you see my name and go rabid. Talk about willful ignorance!

  9. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    Tea: Where do you get bigotry out of these statements? Don’t bother answering…I really don’t care what you think. Your simple mind is quite obvious. Yes, you should make sure your rabies shots are current.

  10. Tomorrow Dreaming says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    It seems to me that the accusations of bigotry are unfounded and an apparent attempt at race baiting.

  11. City Resident says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    Whatever you think about the 1970 Controlled Substance Act’s classification of marijuana, the law is properly the realm of Congress and not the courts, unless courts decide that Congress has no constitutional jurisdiction over drugs.

    Though the Commerce Clause of the US Constitution says that Congress can only regulate commerce between the states, the Supreme Court expanded Congress’ power in Wickard v. Filburn (1942), when it said that wheat grown by a farmer for his own consumption affects interstate commerce, and thus can be regulated by Congress. In Gonzales v. Raich (2005) the Supreme Court used that precedent to rule that Congress can regulate marijuana production.

    Should the 9th District Court rule as Mr. Kubby believes it will, the decision will probably be short-lived, as that court’s decisions are routinely overruled by the Supreme Court.

    Those who want legal pot should push their representatives in Congress to either change the law or restrict the ever-widening power of the federal government.

  12. nature bats last says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    Tea total, dont let the GA and dogzilla pony show get you down. Their rants are hardly worth reading let alone commenting on. The reply is always the same old poop on a plate, same old finger pointing, same old predictable bla bla bla…

  13. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    Ha, ha, nature… just proved yourself wrong yet again. Thanks for commenting on our comments. You are as predictable as the rising sun.

  14. Kits Carson says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    nature: Are YOUR shots current? BTW, I saw no finger pointing in those blogs. Please enlighten us as to EXACTLY what finger pointing you refer to, because all I see is yours and the bag of tea’s. We await you to come up with an intelligent response…….sometime before Christmas would be nice.

  15. duke of prunes says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    ‘Where do you get bigotry out of these statements? ‘
    Your reputation precedes you. Once a bigot, always a bigot.
    That applies double to Kits.

  16. reloman says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    Nature and teatotaltea total, by your comments here, we can tell that you are against making MJ legal. Or did you just attack just because you saw tone names, not comprehending that the people you attacked are in favor of relaxing the MJ restrictions. Rabid dogs attack without comprehending. Please think before you type, it is more reasonable..

  17. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    Medical Marijuana? A few plants for personal use, I’m fine with that. Growing a large amount of plants in a residential area has to stop!
    Fire danger, mold indoors ruining the house and maybe some types of people in your neighborhood you don’t want around.
    Grow vegetables and wildflowers rather than mj . OLS

  18. Kits Carson says - Posted: April 17, 2015

    Prune-juice: You have just shown once again that your hatred and ignorance knows no bounds. There is no bigotry involved in those statements. Did you READ them? I know some of the words were bigger than three letters but…. Please lay off the laxative. It’s oozing out of you.

  19. Rainparader says - Posted: April 18, 2015

    Enough! It’s ok to pump ourselves full of hardcore prescribed drugs–but not marijuana?

    I feel so badly for this man and his little girl and hope we ALL consider the best method to make someone feel better.