King Fire burn area to reopen Saturday


Sections of the Eldorado National Forest that have been off limits because of the King Fire will reopen April 25.

Roadside trees killed in the King Fire that were identified as an immediate threat to public safety have been felled. Further hazard tree assessment will be done as part of the ongoing King Fire Restoration effort.

There are still a few hot spots in the fire area. A recent flight over the fire area using infared technology for heat detection found 11 small spots remaining. Eight of these are in the Rubicon Canyon. Three others are near the fire perimeter. This is not unusual in a fire as large as the King Fire, and these hot spots are being monitored, according the Forest Service.

The public is reminded that permits are required for the collection of mushrooms, firewood and all other forest products. The District Offices at Georgetown and at Pacific will be open on Saturday to accommodate visitors who want to get permits or recreation information.


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Comments (14)
  1. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: April 21, 2015

    Holy cow. Hot spots after all this time! Incrediable.

  2. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: April 21, 2015

    I remember all the years after the Cleveland fire on ice house how much firewood was available. This will be full tilt for my firewood business.

  3. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: April 21, 2015

    Should be good for Morel mushrooms soon but I’ve never heard of having to have a permit. I thought that was only if you want to re-sell. I will pick and eat. I have a hard time with the government telling me what I can pick and eat from the wilds. Seriously?
    Next will you tell me I have to tell you which fish I eat (after already getting my fishing license). Think again Obummer and Moonbutt or any other fool who has never dug a shroom or wet a line.

  4. nature bats last says - Posted: April 22, 2015

    GA =pointing fingers, again…

  5. tahoebluewire says - Posted: April 22, 2015

    I agree with GA on this. I just spent 175.00 dollars for permits for 3 nights in Desolation Wilderness for a group of 6 and 2 dogs. Holy crap!!! What do these new fees get me? NOTHING. Same parking lot, same wilderness, just a TON more people now. I thought my federal taxes paid for this stuff? These fees secure jobs for govt pencil pushers. Everything is big business now.

  6. Shenja says - Posted: April 22, 2015

    Maybe we should collect ” tot” on desolation?..he he

  7. duke of prunes says - Posted: April 22, 2015

    That’s less than $10 per person per night.
    Go to Blue Lakes, pay twice as much, and walk around during the day. At least your money is going to a corporation and you can be happy. And hear dorks with generators “camping”.

  8. rock4tahoe says - Posted: April 22, 2015

    Oh, Gaspen is looking in the mirror again.

  9. tahoebluewire says - Posted: April 22, 2015

    No Duke you dont get it. It is an illegal fee. It starts at ten, then will be 20 then 30 etc. The permit tracking visit numbers is fine with me but the fee is BS. Check out: and get involved!

  10. tahoebluewire says - Posted: April 22, 2015

    If you allow the feds to govern and regulate to the lowest common denominator then that is exactly what they will do. I have watched El Dorado National Forest and its practices for many many years now, and there is a disturbing trend.

  11. rock4tahoe says - Posted: April 22, 2015

    Wire. So “who” is going to regulate and govern… you? Throwing rocks is not a debate.

  12. Dogula says - Posted: April 22, 2015

    Some people feel they need overlords.
    Wilderness permits will continue to rise in price, with the goal being that nobody goes there except the people who are regulating and governing it! Because they are special and their hearts are pure and you don’t deserve to be there.

  13. duke of prunes says - Posted: April 22, 2015

    Did you ever consider that use has been increasing in the Tahoe NF and Desolation, which means increased impact, increased upkeep, all while the USFS is over mandated and under funded?
    Nah, let’s just politicize it, its more fun and I need to validate my worldview despite reality.

  14. Dogula says - Posted: April 22, 2015

    So what kind of upkeep are they doing?
    Overmandated, yes. Under funded? Don’t make me laugh.