LTCC making administrative changes


Lake Tahoe Community College is rejiggering administrative positions.

Mostly it is about changing titles and not new hires.

The previous research director position has been changed to director of Institutional Effectiveness. This person will be responsible for research, planning, and student learning outcomes. This position is vacant. The college is also looking for an executive director of the Foundation and College Advancement, with the college and LTCC Foundation splitting the expense of that person.

The April 21 staff report says, “Over the past 18 months various resignations from Lake Tahoe Community College, changing workloads due to changes in enrollment and how full-time equivalent students are generated, and opportunities for college staff to promote and train into positions, the superintendent-president is recommending a reorganization of most of the direct reports to president.”

  • Michelle Risdon, interim executive dean of Instruction, will be interim vice president of Academic Affairs.
  • Sue Gochis, dean of Student Academic Support Services,  will be executive dean of Student Success.
  • Shelley Hansen, interim manager of Human Resources, is now director of Human Resources.
  • Diane Lewis moves from interim Marketing and Communications manager to director of Marketing and Communications.

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This article was written by admin


Comments (4)
  1. Isee says - Posted: April 27, 2015

    How are full time equivalent students “generated”? This is an absurd way to talk.

  2. hmmm... says - Posted: April 28, 2015

    I like it…the newly created ‘executive dean of marketing terminology’ deserves a gold star and a candy bar.

  3. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: April 28, 2015

    Follow the pea, where is the pea?
    LTCC is playing a shell game again, just like the one the voters approved in the last election.

    The titles these people have been anointed with are interesting. I would love to see the job descriptions. If this is a direct quote from the president, she needs a remedial English course, or an editor.

    So now, her direct reports will be more under the thumb and we will be able to learn less and less about what is really going on.

    We have not heard that with the recent donation of $5 million for the university center, that the projections for use of the Bond money has been reduced. Why?

    We can expect that monkey business and redefinition are being used to “generate FTE students” so the enrollment looks bigger.

    I do not think the local economy can be made to improve on the back of a puny, over promoted, under utulized community college. The college will prosper if and only if the local economy and the city and other powerful interests ever figure out what the plan is.

    We are NOT going to become a Park City, Utah. There are too many differences in geography, physical access and the number of really wealthy people for that model to be very useful to apply.

    What needs to happen FIRST is to reduce the number of divisive interests in South Shore so there can be a plan where more of the interests are pulling in the same direction. So far, a net vector analysis shows we can’t get off of an uncomfortable dead center.

    Collaboration, despite being one of the most used words in local agency and political speak, so far has been mostly talk and little walk.

    The cartoon “party time” advertising and the blatant fact that there is disagreement at such basic levels as what to call the place (South Tahoe or Tahoe South???) does not give me much confidence that anything will change significantly or soon.

    Where is our “Moses” to lead us out of the wilderness?
    I wish I knew, but he/she is not in the area at this time.

  4. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: April 28, 2015

    Has anyone else noticed that most of the male deans of earlier times seem to have now been replaced with an all female crew?

    That being said, I am a champion of equal pay for equal work, but we all know that so far this is a fallacy in the US as a rule.

    Is it possible that these changes are because they can pay them less????
    Hire women for budget control?????