Marijuana operation busted up in Tahoe Keys


An indoor marijuana grow house in the Tahoe Keys was raided by officers last month, with processed and packaged pot with a street value of $76,500 confiscated.

Sgt. Joe Sherry with the California Highway Patrol on March 17 at 10:15pm saw a pickup on Emerald Drive in South Lake Tahoe illegally parked and partially blocking the road. He reportedly saw several people unloading what appeared to be a large quantity of marijuana from the vehicle into a residence.

Suspects ran into the residence, though Sherry was able to detain one person at the front door.

“The subject admitted to unloading marijuana from the vehicle into the residence and confirmed there was an indoor marijuana grow operation inside the residence,” officers said in a press release.

A search warrant uncovered what officers said was an elaborate filtration and hydroponic system along with a large number of live marijuana plants.

The CHP has not released the names of the suspects who were arrested.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report



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Comments (15)
  1. Steve Kubby says - Posted: April 7, 2015

    “Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively.”

    ― Dalai Lama XIV

  2. greengrass says - Posted: April 7, 2015

    Good. Another one gone. Get rid of these drug businesses, they’re nothing but a menace.

  3. Biggerpicture says - Posted: April 8, 2015

    I’m confused by your comment Greengrass. So now your opposed to small business owners that don’t like government intrusion?

  4. reloman says - Posted: April 8, 2015

    Bigger, could it be he is opposed to small businesses that are really criminals? Are you also in favor of gangs that deal drugs?

  5. Dogula says - Posted: April 8, 2015

    Bigs, Greengrass has made the point that he is NOT a libertarian, so your snarky comment was misdirected.
    If this stupid drug war would end, 99% of the crime associated with the drug trade would also end. But government likes the power and money it gains by criminalizing people who like to get high by means other than those acceptable to itself.
    Legalize drugs and you get rid of the gangs, the illegal grow houses, the whole nasty business.
    But then, you also get rid of the DEA and half of the Federal police force as well. Can’t have that. . .

  6. Biggerpicture says - Posted: April 8, 2015

    So Reloman, are you inferring that these growers were dangerous criminals even though there is no mention of weapons being found? I guess you equate parking illegally to gang violence.

  7. GR8TRIB says - Posted: April 8, 2015

    CHP patrols the Keys?

  8. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: April 8, 2015

    The most dangerous criminals do not carry weapons.

    Other stupid ones do their violence for them.

    These rocket scientists parked illegally, thereby drawing attention to an illegal activity. Very brain challenged.

    I am wondering however, why the CHP is patrolling the Tahoe Keys. Maybe he was just going home.

  9. BaddogLT says - Posted: April 8, 2015

    CHP patrols everywhere looking for newcomers with out of state plates. They enforce the laws about getting CA registration in a timely manner.

  10. sunriser2 says - Posted: April 8, 2015

    Can anyone remember the last time a pain pill or heroin dealer was arrested in SLT?

  11. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: April 8, 2015

    Yes, these rocket scientists can’t even park correctly and thereby avoid detection. Sounds like they are consuming their own product. IDIOTS!

  12. greengrass says - Posted: April 8, 2015

    Yes, Bigger, yes, I fully support and endorse harmful criminal businesses. /sarc

    As Dogula pointed out, I am NOT a libertarian, so I do support laws and government. There’s a big difference between a crook evading the law to illegally sell harmful drugs and a small business owner just trying to run a successful business and stay within the law.


  13. Steven says - Posted: April 8, 2015

    The CHP patrolling neighborhoods looking for out of state plates is a joke. I’ve called to report people who have been living in my neighborhood for over a year with out changing their registration and the CHP doesn’t come out. Either the officer in charge is off or the next time I call he is on vacation. And so now, 2 years later my neighbor still registers his car in Oregon.

  14. BaddogLT says - Posted: April 8, 2015

    @Steve Kubby, that thing you are reading this on? Not the computer, the browser. You can use it to search this new fangled DARPA evolution…the internet. The Dalai Lama never said that, the 18 rules was a fake, and Picasso probably never said “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”

    Now there is some attribution to a 1921 book, “The Bookman”, for “Learn the rules before you break them.” But it is on a Swedish Google site.

    It is better to make up your own maxim than to believe every email chain you get.