Nev. bill limits students to bathrooms based on biological sex
By Associated Press
CARSON CITY — Transgender activists and progressive groups say they’re appalled with a proposed Nevada law forcing students to use bathrooms corresponding to their biological sex.
Republican Assemblywoman Vicki Dooling is sponsoring AB375, which was discussed Friday in the Assembly Judiciary Committee.
The bill would require students in public schools to use locker rooms and restrooms based on their sex at birth. Dooling said schools would need to provide separate facilities for transgender students and the bill would extend student privacy protections.
Transgender students and activists testified against the bill and said it would lead to more discrimination and bullying against transgender students who tend to face higher rates of suicide and discrimination.
The committee took no immediate action on the measure. The bill would need a committee vote on Friday to survive.
People are really getting tired of the very few trying to impact the vast majority of normal people including this ridiculous bathroom situation in California where school children are encouraged to demand to use any bathroom they choose and any gender they choose and people are even demanding taxpayer paid sex changes and even in prisons so they can go to the women’s prison, this has to stop and be stopped. People applaud and support Nevada’s elected representatives for their common sense ideas that are lacking elsewhere. Now if the rest of the nation can return to our common values there is a chance to save what remains. There is a long way to go but there must be a start and this is one way forward. All states with conservative majorities and Governors should follow suit and protect the majority through legislation.
Legalized discrimination. I hope it never becomes a law.
This is a freak show!
AROD: I see it more as a way to prevent perversion and sexual violence than legalized discrimination.
Maybe we need to waste money building separate bathrooms for all these transgender crazies. Can’t anyone see all the problems this trans-gender thing is going to lead to? I see it as a disaster, and I think it is largely the parents fault for allowing their kids to do crazy things like this. DON’T BE STUPID!
Justice. All I can say is +1.
This is a no-brainer….if he/she has a penis he/she uses the men’s bathroom.
Now if you are born a female have an addadicktome which potty do you use if you go across stateline?
The kids can’t read and we spend time and money on this BS?