Nev. Legislature may fund cloud seeding
By Jeff DeLong, Reno Gazette-Journal
As a late-season snowstorm swept toward the Sierra Friday, scientists prepared to do their thing. In this case, that meant activating mountaintop generators that spray chemicals into storm clouds, encouraging formation of ice crystals that fall as precious snow.
“It looks pretty good. We are pretty confident we will get the opportunity,” Frank McDonough, an atmospheric scientist with Reno’s Desert Research Institute, said of the approaching storm’s potential..
And for the first time in six years, Nevada’s cloud-seeding program could get a little help from the Legislature, which is considering a bill to help fund a financially struggling effort. Local leaders, meanwhile, want to explore the potential of seeding Sierra storms in different ways, including through the use of manned aircraft and drones.
Even last winter, by the far the driest in a string of four dry ones, cloud-seeding paid off, DRI scientists recently reported to the Western Regional Water Commission. The commission is again being asked to contribute $100,000 toward cloud-seeding operations next winter.
I can’t believe there are still people who think geo-engineering is a hoax.
Chemtrails is a hoax that the scientifically illiterate fall for.
This is completely different.
“Cats may be part of the conspiracy, as sentinels here to record Chemtrail efficacy
One theory that has been circulating the internet lately is that cats are alien to this planet. This is supported by many ancient inconsistencies, such as the fact that felines did not exist in recorded history before the Egyptians and that the Egyptians described them as a “gift from the heavens.” It has been suggested that cats are actually alien sentinels sent here to record human activity. Additionally, animal behaviorists and sound engineers have yet to quantify the base tonality of a cat purr. Some scientists believe that these emissions of noise might be a way for these creatures to transmit information from their locales to a higher power/alternate dimension/Illuminati command system. While this idea may sound far-fetched, it does explain cats’ wistful attitude towards Chemtrail planes”
Interesting if true.
Nothing like seeing the photo in this article and realizing that this crap is being blown from directly above my house. Not comforting. Now, I wonder how ANYONE can prove how much snow would have fallen in a given storm, without the clouds being seeded. How do you prove something that wasn’t allowed to occur. This kind of science is B/S. I think I’ll go research the effects of being bombarded by silver iodide.
Sounds like you have a lot to learn.
The manufacturer’s “Materials Safety Data Sheet” states as follows: Chronic exposure…may produce skin rash, running nose, headache and irritation of mucus membranes. Weakness, anemia, loss-of-weight and depression may occur…..under EPA’s Clean Water Act, silver iodide is considered a hazardous substance, a priority pollutant, and a toxic pollutant!!!!
And why is this OK with the TRPA, Lahontan Water Board, STPUD or The Air Resources Board??? Someone needs to get a suit going and stop this NOW! BTW, Nevada — have you noticed you’re a desert?
Tell us more about how ‘chronic exposure’ is defined and relate that to the concentrations used in cloud seeding.
It’s classified as not safe for animals, the environment and humans. That pretty much covers it.
Isee, not only is Nevada not a desert, high plains would be more apt, it is one of the most mountainous regions on the planet. Just look at a relief map of the US and you will see it has more mountain ranges than any other state other than Alaska.
Some people here obviously don’t know any physics. Duke, next time the sky is completely covered with trails, why don’t you get on the internet and look up the current radar tracking map for commercial flights. You will find one, maybe two flights flying where there are 20 trails. THAT should be suspicious.
What is the highest level physics course you have taken?
Concentration is an important factor in toxicity, what concentrations of AgI are you talking about?
24 hours of flights in the US:
What you call a ‘chemtrial’, is something you have never seen.
Silver iodide has an LD50 (lethal dose in 50% of test subjects measured by milligrams of pure active ingredient to kilograms of body weight) of 2820 mg/kg. Table salt has an LD50 of 3000 mg/kg, which means silver iodide has only a slightly higher toxicity level. Just to put this into perspective the LD50 of acetylsalicylic acid (the active ingredient in aspirin) is 200mg/kg, or 14 times more toxic than silver iodide.
Hello, contrails don’t last for 24 hours.
Thanks for the info Bigger. The number and combination of chemicals that we are being exposed to concerns me. There are synergistic effects that aren’t accounted for when determining toxic levels.
Greengrass – I am with you. We just did a Geoengineering global action here in South Lake Tahoe to raise awareness. It appears by some of the comments,some people don’t know that chem trails is slang for geoenginnering, and geoengineering is a science the government and private companies are using to manage solar radiation. This is NOT cloud seeding. All one has to do is look for articles on this science.
We need to connect the dots.
It’s more evident by the day that our very health is under attack, again by complicit government and multinational corporations pushing GMOs, adulterated food, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, atmospheric aerosols, genetic alterations and the like, all of which are clearly extremely hazardous to humanity. Yet they push harder by the day, mandating program after destructive program. Meanwhile, natural and organic farming and foods, as well as supplements, are under intense attack by these very same perpetrators.
Someone else has done a really good job taking down chemtrailers:
No one is laughing with you…
“If a man tells himself a lie over and over again, eventually he will begin to believe it as fact. When the lie is something that fundamentally alters his view of reality, it can turn dangerous.”
No one can get a straight explanation from chemtrailers. Its only government planes, the government puts equipment on commercial flights, its aluminum, its barium.
It’s water vapor. From regular airplanes. That fly in corridors, and corridors intersect. Over 5k flights a day.
You’ve never seen what you call a ‘chemtrail’. That’s the truth, you are delusional or so far misinformed that your are far gone and will never come back to reality.
Cloud seeding is real, and it is not as effective as you might think, but a few percent here and there adds up.
I’m with you on the food problem, but there is no effort to alter solar irradiation.
Sandy Myron, well said. And guess what the perpetrators of all this are eating. High quality unprocessed organic food!
Duke: “If you tell a lie long enough, loud enough, and often enough, the people will believe it.” Adolf Hitler
Could it be that the lie here is that chemtrails are a hoax?
“It’s water vapor” You just proved right there that you don’t know what you’re talking about. A true contrail is made up of ice crystals.
Have you ever noticed that the trails sometimes stop abruptly then start up again seconds later? Contrails require a specific set of conditions for formation, and these conditions cannot change that quickly.
Good thing you posted those youtube videos. That’s concrete proof….oh wait, nope.
You are really going to split hairs over water vapor and ice crystals? Jeez. Technically water vapor is the product of combustion, not ice crystals.
‘Have you ever noticed that the trails sometimes stop abruptly then start up again seconds later?’
Did you ever think that the atmosphere varies in stability? Ever seen a ‘punchole’ formation in a cloud?
You don’t know if a plane is ascending or descending, speeding up or slowing down, from you perspective on the ground. Is it possible that the engine output changed?
Not for you. You make these observations and go straight to pseudoscience and confirmation bias.
Waiting on your answer to ‘what is the highest level of physics you are studied?’.
Any college level math?
Or do you spend more time ‘analyzing’ sports.