Reid touts Nevada as renewable energy leader


By Andrea Domanick, Las Vegas Sun

U.S. Sen. Harry Reid on Friday praised Nevada’s role as a leader in renewable energy business development and called for bipartisan support toward continuing that progress in the future.

Speaking at a clean energy luncheon at the MGM Grand organized by the Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance, Reid said he was proud of Nevada’s role in both developing renewable energy resources and attracting new businesses to the state.

“Las Vegas is becoming known as the best place in America for innovative businesses and renewable energy development,” Reid said, listing Tesla, Switch, Google, Apple and solar “hall of famers” SolarCity and SolarReserve among the companies that have chosen to do business in Nevada. “These companies are creating real jobs and putting Nevada on the map as a technology and renewable energy leader.”

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Comments (8)
  1. Dogula says - Posted: April 12, 2015

    Harry Reid’s as crooked as they come. Buying land when it’s cheap, selling it when he knows approvals for Federal projects are coming. Deals with Chinese solar companies, brokered by one or another of his kids, paid for with taxpayer dollars, all to benefit him and his family.
    And y’all wonder why I am sick to death of this government?

  2. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: April 13, 2015

    I suppose you are suggesting that this is a democratic issue and not just all party politics?

  3. Justice says - Posted: April 13, 2015

    People are disgusted by these kind of thieves posing as politicians in DC and throw in the influence sales and land swindles and they are but a small part and you would think Harry would make himself very scarce but this is what happens in the advanced stages in a disease called megalomania and it kicks in and here he is again and here Hillary is again like nothing ever happened and a fresh new pant suit will do the trick and present someone new. With the justice department in the hands of their friends until 2016 they think they have nothing to worry about and people won’t remember much. That might be for now but they shouldn’t bet on it.

  4. Tomorrow Dreaming says - Posted: April 13, 2015

    Harry Reid is one of the worst most corrupt and divisive politicians in many generations –

    Didn’t he sit on over 500 bills that he never let get voted on? Including budgets.

    Wasn’t it he that did not produce an annual budget that was required by law for years? Was it three years or four years?

    The press just ignored it but I think it was an important factor that helped us get into the fiscal mess we are in now.

    And wasn’t there a China trip that was kept private and secret from the press. Followed by all his efforts now with the China connection and his son.

    I think he is a very big part of the problems we face today, including the hate and division that has come on us.

    A leader of the democrat party and he skates on the dirt.

  5. Dogula says - Posted: April 13, 2015

    Cranky Gerald, did I reference Harry Reid’s party affiliation? No I did not.

  6. nature bats last says - Posted: April 13, 2015

    So dog, when are you gonna leave for your land of nirvana? Its obvious that the good ol USA isnt cutting it for you. maybe there is no nirvana….just saying…

  7. Dogula says - Posted: April 13, 2015

    No, Bats, there is no “nirvana”.
    I’ve said many times before that there is no perfection in this imperfect world. But we don’t have to settle for being robbed and raped by corrupt psychopathic politicians without complaint either.
    But maybe you like it this way.

  8. nature bats last says - Posted: April 14, 2015

    Well you certainly have perfected the “complaint” category of life. Maybe you should run for office since you seem to know how it all should work.