Volunteers sought for bike race in S. Lake Tahoe

The Amgen Tour of California Women’s Race at Lake Tahoe is seeking community members, businesses, service groups, and cycling aficionados to volunteer during the two stages, May 8-9.

The Local Organizing Committee is seeking 300 volunteers for the first stage and 200-250 for the second. Participants may get involved either or both days and commitment of four to six hours is anticipated. All volunteers will receive an Amgen volunteer shirt and hat.

Positions consist of a course marshal where the individual assists race staff and local law enforcement authorities along the route. Other jobs involve media support, security, check-in, monitoring pedestrian traffic, surveying barricades, road closures, and communications — keeping spectators informed as the race progresses while collaborating with the cyclists and their teams. No experience is needed and a brief training session will take place prior to the event.

Those interested in assisting on either or both of the race days can register online. Registrants must be at least 18 years old, or accompanied by an adult. Interested applicants can contact Volunteer Committee co-chairs Sean Sweeney sean@athletesunited.org or Jason Collins jason@epictahoe.com