Calif. may make it easier to vote
By John Wildermuth, San Francisco Chronicle
Alex Padilla is looking beyond the state’s borders for programs that could dramatically change the way Californians vote.
Among the ideas that California’s new secretary of state hopes will boost anemic turnout: automatically registering people through the Department of Motor Vehicles and mailing a ballot to every registered voter.
“It will take two big steps to tackle the problem,” said Padilla, a former Democratic legislator from the San Fernando Valley who replaced the termed-out Debra Bowen after winning election in November.
“First we have to register the estimated 6.7 million Californians who are eligible to vote but not registered,” he said. “Then we need to have them actually cast ballots.”
Voting officials across the state agree that something has to be done to get more people to the polls. The 42 percent turnout in November’s general election and the 25 percent for the June primary were both record lows for California.
Yeah, POLITICANS want to make it easier to vote. After all, that is all they are concerned about….legal or illegal….can read English or not, and not even speak it.
Then Yes, you Politicians NEED them to cast votes. Target the under educated and non English reading or speaking. Welcome to the melting pot. I think more appropriate is welcome to our nightmare…created by the senile politicians. This includes the ever defaming of our Constitution idiot in DC. He and his racists wife are two of a kind. Can’t wait to NOT see their mugs on TV news. They can just fade away like a bad dream. Go back to Kenya and see if you can ruin their lives as well.
If people don’t vote it means that my vote and the vote of others who care about our country have more weight. Perhaps its time to stop worrying about the irresponsible reprobate drop-outs in our society. After all, its a free country and if these people want to live under minority rule, good, bad or worse, then that’s how they’ve voted (pun fully intended). In a republic, everyone votes, whether its by going to a polling station or staying home and watching TV. Its that simple. (P.S., I don’t get upset that North Korea and Cuba have 99.9% voter turnouts. Even with our low voter rates we’re much better than they are.)
KC your time has past. I know you feel threatened by all the changes taking place in our society. Time to embrace the change or become irrelevant.
Great idea to use the DMV data base to register voters. The greater the voter turnout the better for all parties involved.
High voter turnout is bad for the GOP.
AROD: If you have a million of uneducated and some non English speaking HOW can there be an informed vote?! The only thing you will get is a bunch of them wanting something for nothing as this government has promised. To hell with the EDUCATED AMERICAN voter. They are a threat to today’s politicians. WE see right through their lies and denies. Illiterate, non English are all the forked tongue politicians have left. If you can’t see this, then enjoy your soon to become (more than now) uneducated, illiterate, welfare state, infested.
Embrace the change to an illiterate electorate more interested in voting themselves freebies paid via the sweat of others? Tolerate and accept? Perhaps. Embrace it? Hardly. All who are eligible to vote have the right to do so. But embracing an electorate swayed by nothing deeper than headlines will lead to permanent decline. One only has to drive through our major metro areas to see it has already happened.
Just ’cause you register them without their having to put out ANY effort themselves, doesn’t mean people will vote. After all, they’ll still have to pay for their own stamp and put it in a mailbox. So next, the taxpayers will probably have to foot the bill for free stamps too.
Mail them to Mexico as nearly a third of their population has illegally entered the country now and why would they wait? Liberals need every vote they can steal and illegally obtain and why would they care what country they came from? They don’t care about legal residency for welfare and healthcare and schools, so voting laws would be the same and they are as meaningless to them as the US Constitution.
And cue the misplaced xenophobia!
Well done conservatives.
And the Xenophon keeps talking and says nothing. Nothing relevant or of relevance. Empty head, empty thoughts.
“Mail them to Mexico as nearly a third of their population has illegally entered the country”
Justice, let’s play the numbers on your above statement: Mexico currently has an estimated population of 123,799,215. So by your estimate 40,853,740.95 persons, undocumented workers, have entered the US?
Any iota of proof to back your statement up?
Read Ann Coulter’s new book, “Adios America” if you need the stats and you might learn something about illegal immigration. The numbers are real, your demand for proof is fake as a smoke-screen to hide the liberal agenda.
Justice, your answer is to read Ann Coulter’s book? You can’t even piece the numbers and answer together to paraphrase, you auto default to “read a book by a pundit partyline hack”?
I know I’m gonna take some hheat for writing this, but…
(M)Ann Coulter? World War III in a dress? That hateful angry transgender junkie-eyed love-child of a zombie and a vampire? Now THERE’S a Christian Jihadist voice of reason crying in the wilderness.
The trolls are ugly tonight, and they do smell….
read anne, im a man, coulterguist, never. What a poor excuse for a human that b/+€# is. No surprise that justanass finds her appealing. White trash and a match made in heaven (well hell actually).
“White trash” Racist.
Uninformed people and illegals vote for liberals. Liberals need votes, because people are waking up to the idiocy of it all. It’s really that simple.
D of P: You need to learn the difference between xenophobia and not wanting one’s country to be overrun by foreigners who don’t work and suck off the system. If people want to immigrate here, fine. They can LEGALLY enter, one at a time.
Nature bat. Everytime I read something you post I feel slightly dumber. its clear that you never made it past 10th grade.
Mr m, once again you are wrongula.. but that is your best quality…
Kittyars writes, “illegal, under educated, non English reading or speaking, nightmare, defaming, idiot, racists wife, bad dream, go back to Kenya.” To complete your xenophobic rant, you left out: slant eyes, wops, chinks, kikes and ragheads… must be slippin’ or chippin’ or both.