Calif. Senate approves vaccination bill
By Alexei Koseff, Sacramento Bee
After a lengthy and contentious debate, the California Senate on Thursday approved a controversial proposal requiring vaccinations for nearly all California schoolchildren.
Senate Bill 277, which would make California only the third state in the country without religious and personal belief exemptions from vaccinations, passed 25-10. The vote followed mostly partisan lines, with the majority of support coming from Democrats. It now heads to a new round of hearings in the Assembly.
“Together we are turning the tide to stop communicable diseases before any more families are hurt,” Sen. Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, said after the vote. “By passing this bill, the Senate, in a bipartisan manner, has sent a strong message: Vaccines save lives. Every child has a right to a safe school.”
I’ll be the first to say about time we stopped these crazies from attending our schools. Vaccinate your kids. Watch some pen and teller and figure it out!
Are we in Communist Russia or America? I forgot.
It’s not the government’s place to interfere with people’s religious and personal choices. Oh wait, we threw out that Constitution thingy a long time ago. Tyrant dictator, oh excuse me, President Obama prefers it that way.
Some people don’t want to vaccinate, and I support and defend their right to make that choice.
I strongly suggest all of you look up the dictionary definition of freedom just in case you forgot.
Claiming disease is a religious choice is crazy. I never read anything in any religious text about not vaccinating your children. NO! There is no reason not to vaccinate your kids. NONE. Autism?! Nope. Putting others in danger? Yup. Guess what! It is our governments responsibility to protect us from crazy minorities who believe in harm full practices that endanger the greater good. Especially when they are so clearly in the wrong.
Why? Because Science! Seriously.
The article is about California passing this bill, not the whole country. No where does it state anything about Obama being involved in this decision, but yet the finger pointers blame Obama. Thanks deadgrass for proving your bias/ignorance.
Generally I’d like for the government to stay out of my business. In the case of vaccinations, by not being vaccinated you put others at risk.
I get it. Go ahead state government. I hope the Feds will follow suit.
I never said Obama was involved in the decision. I was speaking about other laws and the country at large. Read my comments before you go spouting off.
Sam: The religious exemptions involve stem cells, not disease. Many people also believe there are serious health risks to vaccines. Until someone does a decent UNBIASED study on it, I’m not going to support taking these people’s rights away. Forcing a medical procedure on someone who is innocent is not the definition of freedom.
GreenGrass, I suggest you do a little research before firing from the hip – and miss. Laws requiring vaccinations date back to 1827 (City of Boston) and have a strong legal precedent. See
Here! They have a ton of sources cited. Vaccines work, and no, they don’t hurt people.
And your 10 years behind on the stem cell stuff.
When you contract polio, maybe you can rub essential oils all over your self and cure it.
Gardasil. Look it up then tell me you think its ok for the almighty govt to force it upon your daughter.
CDC = Incredibly biased. Part of the same govt. that wants to force vaccines on people. I haven’t said I am against vaccinations, only that it’s unconstitutional and wrong for the government to force them on people.
Considering it only helps. Yes, it is ok. Is it ok for the government to enforce seat belts?
Being up to date on my sons vaccinations does not make me feel like my freedom has been forsaken. It makes me feel like I have done the best that I can for my son and my community.
Well we disagree completely. It’s also why my kid does not go to the magnet school. 24% of those boogers are unvaccinated. Scary. Anti-vaccination parents put my kids at risk.
‘CDC = Incredibly biased.’
Reasonable people follow up with something concrete and unbiased and at the very least don’t demonstrate their own bias.
It isn’t really a question of whether vaccines are bad or good. Most are good. A few are questionable.
The issue is, does the government have the right to force an injection of a foreign substance into your body? I would say no.
I mean c’mon. Do we really need to do this. Go ask your doctor what you should do. Oh wait, you don’t trust them. They are in big PHARMA’s pockets!
If you want to attend a government subsidized school, yes your children need to be vaccinated/clean.
If you are against it, home school your kids.
If i home school can i keep my tax dollars?
It always shocks me to see the anti-tax/vax folks. Naturally they jump to “well I don’t use that service, so why should I pay” mentality. Selfish.
And for vaccines. Yes they work. No you can not get autism. Gardasil=BS. The reason the government is enforcing vaccines is to protect us all. Not to take away our rights.
Nature, if you feel vaccines are good for YOUR kids, great! I fully support your right and decision to vaccinate your kids. However, as Dogula said, the government has no right to forcefully inject foreign substances into people’s bodies.
Sam, if you want to sit around calling KIDS who have practically no control over what vaccines they receive “a bunch of boogers” you’re a potbelly, chicken-necked, worthless scum coward. Attacking the defenseless is not honorable. If you don’t want to send your kids there, great, but don’t attack the kids for something they can’t control.
EXACTLY my point. This is why the government needs to protect those boogers! You just made my point.
So when are you moving?????
You’re point just did a complete 180 to avoid my point. Hilarious. I think you’re right. The government does need to protect the kids from name-calling cowards like you.
greengrass and dog, your point is pointless. The courts for more than 150 years has ruled on this point, and yes, in the name of public health the gov can force the point. Now you may choose to disagree with a well established legal principal – but that all it is, you have neither logic nor legal precedent on your side.
I guess you don’t understand. This is exactly why the government needs to protect these little boogers. Because adults (full grown boogers) are not responsible enough to do the right thing. It’s why the government exist. Did you know anarchy does not work?
“Chicken necked and worthless,” Tut tut, pot calling the kettle black? I’d call you a booger, but that would be mean to all the children.
Just because it’s “established legal principle” doesn’t mean it’s OK. Is this communism or communism?
Sam: The difference is, my statement is true, and is aimed at a point, while yours is a meaningless lie. The government can suggest, but the final decision is up to the parents of the child. Our government shouldn’t pretend to know the individual needs of a kid better than the parents.
Because courts ruled does not make it right. Everything the Nazis did was completely legal, according to their laws. Your blind obedience to coercive authority in this situation doesn’t make sense. What the city did to you regarding your business was also legal. Was it right?
Dog – you loose. Pulling the Nazi card is an absurd and offensive argument to equate the Nazi’s near extermination of the Jews, gays, catholics and others, to requiring the vaccination of children for clear public health is vacant of logic. You cheapen the horrific crimes against humanity brought on by the Nazi’s to defend people risking the public health of many because they fear science. How wildly bizarre. You clearly have not read the constitution nor are you truly supportive of the principals of that document. No, many (myself included) may not always agree with the courts, but based on our form of government, it is the third branch that arbitrates and interprets decisions of the executive and legislative branch. Its decision are sacrosanct until such time that the leg/exec branches can enact laws that address concerns of the judicial branch. Until such time, there interpretations remain. This has been a long standing precedent and is viewed as correct, except for a fringe group. You referring to Nazi’s in this case firmly places you in that camp.
I don’t exactly see how Dog is comparing the killing of Jews, Catholics, and gays to vaccinations, however, she just gave an excellent parallel illustrating that a court ruling doesn’t mean something is right, which you somehow failed to see. YOU loose, for failing to see the point of Dog’s comment.
There no more efficient way to demonstrate how stupid you are than pulling Nazi analogy card.
Do you feel stupid when you think while writing that comment and do it anyway? Or are you so far gone that it feels smart….
I feel dumber for reading your comment. I’ve never huffed paint but I imagine this is what it feels like.
“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”
–William Pitt the younger
So beyond their killing of the Jews, everything else the Nazis did was okay, because it was legal in their own society? Is that it? The only reason you get hysterical when somebody mentions Nazis is the Jewish extermination? They did a lot more. They registered guns. Then they took them. They performed medical experiments on people they considered lower than themselves. America has its Tuskeegee Airmen, when Roosevelt became President.
Reacting hysterically in order to shut down any comparisons between governments is not in the ‘scientific method’.
If you can’t view history without blinders on, you’ll allow the repetition of horrible mistakes we should have learned from.
Nobody even addressed the gardasil comment from earlier. From what i am reading that isnt some safe vaccine that our daughters should be forcibly given, yet some of you want to force others to take it. Another good question is who is getting rich off this bill? Are some of our glorious leaders getting kickbacks from drug companies to get the vote passed? The idea in a comment above that the public is ignorant and needs govt to tell them what to do is terrifying. Just like so many other policies these days, how about we educate and encourage instead of forcing because all of us lesser beings are stupid?
Included in the vaccine schedule is the flu shot, which will now be required. Should those of us who prefer to take our chances with this normally occurring illness (and many would argue a necessary illness for your immune system) be required to have this vaccination? This is a complete loss of freedom and personal choice! A sad day for the residents of California.
Okay, all you geniuses. If you don’t win, you LOSE, not LOOSE..
Back to vaccinations. What happens when a child has a severe adverse reaction? Who decides if they must continue that vaccine schedule? Could be a frightening precedent.
If they make flu shots mandatory, they’ll have to put me in jail. If you lost the use of part of your body- you’d be ready to fight back -if someone tried to do it to you again. Just sayin’….
When, over the course of many decades, you invite the government to control almost every aspect of life you should not act surprised when they actually do so. The good people of this country have chosen to abdicate so much responsibility to the government. It is now amazing to sit back and hear the cry’s of over-reach being heard in California, especially from the left. Oops.
WOW, Flat earth society folks all a twitter today. Guess they will all up and move away from mean ol california. I say GOOD RIDDANCE…
Texas, make room for more….
“So beyond their killing of the Jews, everything else the Nazis did was okay, because it was legal in their own society? Is that it? ”
Classic straw dog.
Someone needs a cookie….nature is your blood sugar getting low?
Duke of Prunes: You still haven’t addressed Dog’s ACTUAL main point. It’s funny to see all these people try to use personal attacks and divert the subject to avoid the MAIN question here.
Nature: Your comment is a meaningless personal attack intended to divert the subject because you are unable to hold a civil discussion with real scientific facts.
So, if a rabid animal bites a kid and the parents don’t want the kid treated (given shots of rabies immune globulin) for “religious reasons” some people on this blog are “ok” with that?
Nuts to that!
Dog. If foolish “parents” don’t want the shot(s), they stay out of Public Schools.
We are NOT talking about a shot of Novacaine from a Dentist here, we are talking about immunizations against deadly diseases.
Sorry, but this is the 21st Century, not the 14th or the 19th for that matter.
Immunize your children parents…you may not WANT to do it but it is for the better of society and your child in the long run. Also, get your TDAP boosters people, whooping cough is back on the rise here in Eldorado County and California in general, guess why?? Thats right, lack of vaccinations…when was your last tetanus shot???