Caltrans wants input on Hwy. 50 bridge


Caltrans has scheduled an open house for May 21 to gather public comments on alternatives for a bridge project on Highway 50 over Echo Summit.

Caltrans is considering five alternatives, including replacing the bridge in one construction season by closing Highway 50 for up to 90 days, replacing it in two seasons with a full highway closure of up to 50 days, replacing the bridge in two seasons with one-way traffic control, or rehabilitating the existing bridge in two seasons with a full highway closure of up to 50 days.

The bridge, which is located seven miles west of South Lake Tahoe, was built in 1938 and is showing signs of wear. The project is currently in the environmental documentation phase.

The meeting will be at the at CCC center in Meyers from 6-8pm.


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This article was written by admin


Comments (16)
  1. Mel says - Posted: May 21, 2015

    Nice of Caltrans to give us one day’s notice!

  2. Whip says - Posted: May 21, 2015

    I gather “construction season” is during the summer?
    Your proposing closing SLT’s lifeline for 50 to 90 days during our busiest time of year, the time of year when most of SLT financially catches up to a possible bad winter, and bookend by two shoulder seasons? That construction season? You really need to find a way around full closure, I don’t even like the one-way traffic idea but at this point it seems to be the obvious choice.
    It’s too bad this is just another one of those mandated “public input” meetings where you’ve already decided what your going to do but are required to have the meeting.

  3. Sam says - Posted: May 21, 2015

    Whip, It’s better than letting the bridge collapse and kill people.

  4. Whip says - Posted: May 21, 2015

    Sam, did I say don’t do the project? No, I said don’t close the highway to get it done. But thanks for your input.

  5. dan says - Posted: May 21, 2015

    I’m curious as to why the old upper road by Echo isn’t in play why the bridge is under construction? Or if the bridge is below the Echo cutoff, then Old Meyers grade should suffice no?

    There are two ways over Echo summit as it now exists.

  6. Whip says - Posted: May 21, 2015

    dan, I didn’t know the location of the bridge since it wasn’t in the press release. Having looked it up here;
    it appears the old Meyers grade could indeed be used. If they just did the half bridge per season option it seems to me they could have west bound traffic use the portion of bridge they’re not working on and east bound traffic could use the old Meyers grade. No need for full closure or one-way traffic control. But I’m sure it’s not that easy or they would have mentioned it.
    Question is, why didn’t they take care of this a few years ago while doing all those improvements on Echo while they were closing sections of the road and having one-way traffic control.

  7. JoAnn Conner says - Posted: May 21, 2015

    Cal Trans has not already decided what will be done. They have already held one meeting in City Council Chambers in the evening, and will hold more. However, these meetings are typically not well attended. Please do your best to get to at least one of the meetings they will be holding and give your input. You can also get quality answers at the meetings.
    FYI, Cal Trans held meetings regarding the construction on Hwy 89, and they have been very receptive to adjustments to make the project as “business friendly” as possible.

  8. lou pierini says - Posted: May 21, 2015

    Cal Trans, Read the post by Whip. You could use a CHP escort on old Meyers grade, if your worried about speed.

  9. J&B says - Posted: May 21, 2015

    If they gave people more than one day’s notice, perhaps there would be more people at the meetings.

  10. duke of prunes says - Posted: May 21, 2015

    Do we know for sure that they only gave 1 day notice?

  11. admin says - Posted: May 21, 2015

    The press release was sent to LTN the day before the open house.

    LTN staff

  12. greengrass says - Posted: May 22, 2015

    Bummer. I have a feeling after all these bad snow years, this is all it’s going to take to trash a lot of Tahoe businesses. Too bad the environmental laws won’t let them do construction during the shoulder season.

  13. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: May 22, 2015

    I’m all for repair of our roads but this is not a good time for our local economy.Bankrupt casinos, low lift ticket sales, schools and post offices closing, boat ramps closing or dredging to give boaters accsess to the lake and atop all that, the lightest winter I’ve ever seen.
    Lets hope the work on the bridge on 50 over Echo and the work out at Cave Rock is completed soon.
    Keeping my fingers crossed, OLS

  14. reloman says - Posted: May 22, 2015

    I hope they hire the same construction time as the last time they closed 50, they were fast and did it under the projected timeframe.
    OLS and all others you do realize that this is not happening for 4 more years.