Letter: Involvement in Meyers critical

To the community,

With the upcoming Meyers Area Plan meeting on May 6 the residents of Meyers have an opportunity and a responsibility to help our future.

El Dorado County is hosting a meeting and we have to let them know what we want in terms of planning, development, recreation, safety and beyond. Now is the time as we have reached a stage where decisions will be made. Speak now, please, as the voices of many reasonable citizens will have an impact.

The area plan will govern long-term land use community plan and proposes revisions to building design and other standards while consolidating County and TRPA permitting requirements. It identifies community improvements like bike trails, signage and safety issues for pedestrians.

Everyone needs to be involved in these planning decisions. Please plan on attending the meeting this Wednesday, 5:30 to 7:30pm at the Lake Tahoe Environmental Magnet School, 1095 E. San Bernardino Ave.

Thank you,

Jim Lira, Lira’s Market