Letter: Kirkwood spends time at Bread & Broth

To the community,

Bread & Broth is very grateful to Vail Resorts for their EpicPromise grant that funded their fifth Adopt A Day of Nourishment dinner of 2015 on May 4. The EpicPromise grant sponsorships are alternated on a monthly basis between Kirkwood Mountain Resort and Heavenly Mountain Resort.

On May 4, Kirkwood Mountain Resort took the opportunity to send management team members who donated their time to work with B&B volunteers to provide a hot, nutritious meal and a safe place for dinner guests to gather and socialize.

Bread & Broth would like to thank Kirkwood Mountain Resort management team members Dave Myers, mountain operations director; Brian Bigley, base operations director; Jon Copeland, skier services director; and Rebecca Daiek, administrative executive for being very dedicated and helpful volunteers. The team’s consensus was that they are happy to help and look forward to coming back at future Kirkwood sponsorships.

With the recession and the depressed economics of the area, many community members continue to struggle with hunger. B&B works to ease this hunger by serving full-course meals on Mondays at St. Theresa Church Grace Hall and soup suppers at Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church on Fridays. B&B’s is able to continue its mission thanks to our generous volunteers, donors and sponsors. Kudos to Vail Resorts and Kirkwood Mountain Resort for their continuous and generous support.

For more B&B information, go online or find us on Facebook.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth