Nevada OKs paying for private school
By Trevon Milliard, Reno Gazette-Journal
Nevada parents will almost certainly have an unprecedented choice starting next school year, following the Legislature’s final approval of Senate Bill 302 on Friday.
The choice: Parents can either keep their children in public school or pull them out and the state will hand them about $5,000 per child to attend the private school of their choosing — including religious institutions — and pay for tutoring.
They could even opt for homeschooling.
I afraid that there will be many parents choosing to “home school” for the big payout of $5000.00 per child per year. I did read the whole article and noted that there will be random audits of the education accounts set up for each child. There are many parents that are doing a great job homeschooling their children. I’m worried about the parents that aren’t capable of giving their children an education that will give their children a competitive chance to meet their needs in the world outside their “in the home school”. This bill looks to me like it will be too easy for parents with the wrong intentions to take advantage of the system for the $$$.
Wow!!! This is huge. Nevada needed help with their education system and this is their answer for now. There will be a multitude of implications- many that haven’t even be considered yet. I’d love to hear from some public school teachers. California is probably headed this way after the mandatory vaccinations bill passed.
Great idea. Too bad so many private and parochial schools closed during the Great Recession. But, better now than later.
There will always be scammers scamming anything they can. This program should be combined with proof of legal residency requirements before any services are available from employment to welfare to education and this country can be turned around for the better before all is lost. Nevada should again be applauded for common sense actions that should be being used across the country. Instead of the liberal one party failing state that everyone who is legally in the country is leaving.
“Instead of the liberal one party failing state that everyone who is legally in the country is leaving.”
Justice, what the heck are you talking about? Once again you make off the wall vague statements sans ANY reality.
Nevada is trying to be the opposite of the failed state of California obviously in everything they are doing and they will gain the taxpayers and their common sense is refreshing. If you don’t think a liberal one party state with open borders is failing in education and ranked near the bottom for public primary education because of massive numbers of ESL students, the trans-gender bathrooms, and and in general overwhelmed by people illegally in the country or on the welfare system using the services without paying taxes, of free education and welfare and healthcare, while those who are legally in the country are refusing to pay for it and leaving the state, you need a real reality check. Nevada, and all the bordering states, are reaping the taxpayers. They are smart enough to be taking action before they become a third world country like the late state of California.