PCT hiker rescued in Alpine County


By Richard Chang and Bill Lindelof, Sacramento Bee

A teenage hiker said Tuesday he was down to his last drops of water as he waited for rescuers on the Pacific Crest Trail in remote Alpine County on Sunday night.

A California Highway Patrol helicopter crew found D’Artagnan Driscoll, 18, of Apache Junction, Ariz., on Monday, roughly nine hours after he sent a rescue signal from a hand-held GPS device.

“I had about 8 ounces of water left when the California Highway Patrol found me,” Driscoll said, as he traveled Highway 395 on the way back to Arizona. “If I wasn’t dehydrated then, I would have been very soon.”

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Comments (15)
  1. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: May 6, 2015

    Something fishy here anyone that is hiking the PCT is prepared he would’ve had a water filter. And there is water everywhere this time of year very strange.

  2. Kits Carson says - Posted: May 6, 2015

    He’s a fish out of water up here. Unprepared and out of his league.

  3. copper says - Posted: May 6, 2015

    One wonders if young D’Artagnan (his screen name, I suspect) was looking for publicity, or merely searching for a faucet. Hope he enjoyed his helicopter ride.

  4. tahoebluewire says - Posted: May 6, 2015

    My guess is he may be homeless and/or mentally ill. If so, hope he gets the help he needs. But seriously, there is water run-off everywhere in the high country right now, even with the drought.

  5. Reloman says - Posted: May 6, 2015

    tahoe blue did you read the article? if you had it is pretty clear he isnt homeless. Kind of a bad guess and ASSumption on your part.

  6. Justice says - Posted: May 6, 2015

    Bill him the cost of the “rescue” based on his own negligence. What a waste of tax dollars and tying up the CHP air unit from other urgent calls. Surprised he didn’t call saying his feet hurt and the dehydrated food was bad.

  7. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: May 6, 2015

    Reloman resorts to name calling. Mature dude. Obviously the guy is either mentally handicapped or just really dumb.

  8. duke of prunes says - Posted: May 6, 2015

    do you consider this mature:
    “My guess is he may be homeless and/or mentally ill. “

  9. Reloman says - Posted: May 6, 2015

    Your right Tahoe blue i shouldnt have implied that. But it really is not obvious that he is mentally handicapped. Hes 18 and from Arizonia, so he doesnt know the terrain, at 18 we can assume that he thinks he know it all and is invincible, as a good many young men at that age. But here i go again ASSuming.

  10. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: May 6, 2015

    Reloman, you have good point. I think we were both probably a little more prepared at 18.

  11. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: May 6, 2015

    Our military is a waste of tax dollars. Not the .0001% allocated to search and rescue. I hope you plan on staying on your couch so we don’t waste $ coming to rescue you!

  12. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: May 6, 2015

    I really think he is a runaway or has a disability based on his actions yes.

  13. Seriously? says - Posted: May 7, 2015

    Did you read the entire story? He is a rich kid who wanted an adventure. Dad encouraged him.

  14. Mark Johnson says - Posted: May 7, 2015

    I have a third cousin who at this age was trying to figure out what to do with his life at 18….his dad put him on the Appalachian Trail in GA, he lasted 3 weeks before they had to drive from Arkansas to pick him up….this is a journey that is incredibly difficult from someone who doesnt have the experience or wisdom to live in the woods. He might have pulled the trigger for rescue a little too early but for his sake, he did. Thanks to CHP and all who fly in rescue, they do it so that “others may live”. The same motto I lived by when in the USAF Combat Rescue in the 80s.

  15. Mel says - Posted: May 7, 2015

    “It seemed like a fun experience,” Driscoll said. “To my surprise, this trail was very rugged and difficult.”

    While not technically mentally handicapped he is extremely stupid. Daddy & Mommy should be sent a bill for the rescue.

    Note this little twerp took a selfie as the chopper approached. I guess he was angling for a movie role but didn’t have the guts to chop his own hand off.