South Tahoe shining light on mental health

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month and  as such South Lake Tahoe has proclaimed May 10-16 Mental Health Awareness Week.

Throughout the week, local health service providers and agencies from the Mental Health Cooperative will raise mental health awareness through films, stories and events. South Shore residents, families, and visitors are encouraged to show support and participate in the following ways:

  • Open house and movie at El Dorado County Mental Health’s South Lake Tahoe wellness center (1900 Lake Tahoe Blvd.) on Ma 13 from 6-8pm. The open house at the Wellness Center will include refreshments and door prizes, and a chance to meet with mental health employees. Special activities include a showing of the film “Each Mind Matters”, featuring Californians living with mental health issues, and a reading from the book “Regular and Decaf”, focusing on schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder. The event is free and open to the public.
  • Police Station’s Open House and Peace Office Memorial Week Awards Ceremony on May 14 at 2pm. Children are welcome. There will be displays and officers will talk about the K9 and SWAT units. There will also be a mental health awareness booth with posters, resources, buttons, and the week’s events.

Additional event information and community resources are available online.