Stricter greenhouse gas emission targets in Calif.
By Chris Megerian and Michael Finnegan, Los Angeles Times
Gov. Jerry Brown accelerated California’s effort to slash greenhouse gas emissions Wednesday, burnishing the state’s reputation as a pacesetter in the battle against climate change.
In an executive order, Brown said the state must cut the pollutants to 40 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2030, more than a decade after he leaves office.
That is an interim target, intended to help California lower emissions to 80 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2050, a goal set by Brown’s predecessor, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Executive orders left and right; Seems most of the people in charge imagine themselves kings now, not servants of the people.
Better get in your cars and drive to a new state, while you’re still allowed to own one.
This is a recipe for more tax payers and businesses leaving and the other countries who don’t regulate don’t plan to and their pollution isn’t slowing. This failed state, being governed by executive orders without a vote, like the King of DC, will be approaching critical mass of more people not working and receiving free benefits than workers paying taxes to support it and add in the tens of thousands leaving every month for other states who are taking their retirements with them then add all of the companies that left with tens of thousands of jobs for business friendly states with low taxes and you will get the picture. Soon government will be the main employer of a failed state and this isn’t that far off.
Doggie and justanass, yes, please do get in your cars and drive away, as fast and as far as you can. That would be a great thing for our community…texas will welcome you with open arms….
Well, Bats, how do you think the state’s going to keep functioning? You were a govt employee, now on disability, right? As there are getting to be more people who are taking from the system than are putting in, how do you expect to keep it afloat?
Really. I’d like your answer. And if you say, by taxing the rich, that won’t work when they all move to other states. Which WILL happen. Most of them didn’t get rich by being stupid.
Great, California cuts emissions by 40% of 1990 levels. What about the rest of the WORLD. We all breath the same air. We still have haze from Russian fire.
Buck – I know, Right? Moving to another state won’t help. Same air, different ZIP code. Other states are realizing their own problems such as Nevada and Texas facing the hard truth about their failing educational systems or Nevada recently noticing that gaming isn’t paying the bills for them anymore. The experiment in ‘no state tax’ has not been successful for them. Good Luck to all who are going to up and drive to another ‘better’ state.
Dog, not sure why you think im on disability. I resigned from my job as a wilderness/back country ranger/fire lookout/wildland firefighter in 2000. Moved here from Idaho to get married and raise a family. Im not on the government dole like you seem to think I am so dont worry, your tax dollars are not supporting me. However I have no issue with my tax dollars supporting people who are lucky enough to have jobs like I us to have. But they are few and far between.they also require a pretty good education which I am lucky to have had as well. Specialized in those areas so I was more than qualified for my $15.00 an hour pay. You and your buddies always ASSume that federally employees are over paid and undereducated. You are pretty clueless, you would rather just point fingers and whine.
My interests and priorities are always in favor of improving and lessoning our impacts on our planet. I think anything we can do to lesson our impacts is always a good thing. If people in power positions who have influnce, like the president or a state governor or a corporation president come forward with a solution to help solve or lesson our impacts than im in favor of that. Yup, it all costs money and we as a society who have collectivly contributed to the problem, well we all have ownership in making it better. I know you dont agree and seem to think its all the fault of someone else or the governments problem to fix. No matter where you live you are have an impact.
She has a few screws loose, its nothing personal.
Dog, by all means go away. Did you ever consider the costs of poor air quality on human health? clue. search for “smog in china images”
Considering that California has one year of water left, I think maybe governor Brown is, as usual, focusing on the wrong thing. I’m not against reducing emissions, but the radical environmentalist mentality about it is only hurting. A little prioritization is what is required here. By all means, reduce emissions if possible, but focus on the immediate problems first. If everyone leaves California because there’s no water left, stricter emission laws are going to be pointless.
I truly doubt “everyone” will be leaving california because the governor is imposing stricter emision standards. My guess is the people who like to breathe cleaner air will arrive here while those that dont care about what they breathe will follow doggie and brown (oops) I mean green grass to the less than environmentally conscious states. ADIOS …good luck with that choice…
California Jobs and opportunities will continue to decline and taxes and fees will continue to increase.
The producers (and their businesses) are already leaving. So far it’s more of a trickle than a river, simply because it’s not a fast or easy process to uproot a business or its employees. You’ve got to convince someone to purchase the properties that are being abandoned, and physically move all that stuff. It takes time and a lot of planning. But it IS happening. You can see if you care to look. Nevada and Texas are benefiting from an increase in businesses and residents. California is keeping those who just want to sit back and collect on welfare and other benefits.
I think California really only wants technology and tourism. Manufacturing etc. is more welcome in other states.
Concerning the quality of California’s air, we are 1st up, in the path of Asia’s smog and Japan’s nuclear disaster fallout. We could all benefit by taking an astrophysics class. The Earth is an organism contained in a fragile atmosphere. It’s all the same air. Look at it from a bigger perspective, – if you’re courageous enough to handle the truth.
Slapshot, that seems to be the way the oligarchs and the plutocracy want CA but is that what Californians want?
Is that a good plan for the people or just for the 1 percenters?
Tourism is a horrible industry around which to build an economy. Look at Greece, look at South lake Tahoe for that matter. Horrible future for people in both locations.