Few states ready for fallout if court rules against Obamacare


By Noam N. Levey, Los Angeles Times

Millions of Americans could soon lose health insurance when the Supreme Court decides the latest challenge to the Affordable Care Act this month, but states have made few concrete plans to deal with the potential fallout, and they may get little help from Washington, President Obama warned Monday.

“If somebody does something that doesn’t make any sense, then, it’s hard … to fix,” the president said, suggesting his administration can’t do much if the justices side with the health law’s Republican critics.

When the court rules this month, the justices may eliminate insurance subsidies in as many as 37 states that use the federal marketplace established through the health law. The law’s challengers argue that a strict reading of the statute makes those subsidies available only in states that established their own marketplaces, rather than having the federal government operate the marketplace for them.

A state could restore the aid if it runs its own marketplace, as California and 12 other states and the District of Columbia already do.

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Comments (12)
  1. Dogula says - Posted: June 9, 2015

    Those of us who have been purchasing our own insurance for years, like responsible adults, have paid through the nose for this garbage. My rates increased 80%. For a plan that did not meet my needs.
    That’s what government control of medical insurance will do for you.
    Let it die.

  2. nature bats last says - Posted: June 10, 2015

    Boofreakin hoo

    well it works for me and a few million other people so…..

  3. Dogula says - Posted: June 10, 2015

    Yeah, Bats, You and the others who don’t mind making your neighbors pay for your medical insurance. . . because that’s exactly what those ‘subsidies’ are. You are soaking your next door neighbor to pay for stuff YOU want. While others of us keep paying more and more to support YOU.
    And no, we don’t make that much money. We would qualify for the subsidy if we wanted to take it. But some of us don’t believe in being leeches.

  4. Seriously? says - Posted: June 10, 2015

    I was told by my doctor that medical pays out better coverage than what I pay for. What an incentive to mooch off of tax payers! Seems like Obama has a backup plan for anything that may get in the way of him ruling the world. Government should have never been able to control heath care. Everyone wants to point their fingers at the Republicans, but they didnt create Obamacare. Its like watching Pinky and the Brain.

  5. Isee says - Posted: June 10, 2015

    By far, the biggest subsidies (including tax breaks & incentives) given by the gov’t go to giant corporations. There’s no comparison.

  6. Justice says - Posted: June 10, 2015

    “Subsidy” in the case of Bummer-Scare is taking from people against their will to give to others which is a classic liberal socialist idea and it rewards the lowest incomes with the highest taking from others paying the taxes to support it. This state has just approved a plan to insure people illegally in the country for the starting price of near a billion a year while ignoring legal residents who should have some outrage, senile Jerry hasn’t signed it yet. If he does taxpayers will increase the exodus out at a higher rate. Isn’t it great when people have no representation in the state and the legislature votes to reward people who broke the laws and every person paying for their own healthcare has had to pay much more for their health care through high premiums for those both illegally in the country and those who are on the welfare system who don’t pay. Did anyone hear their premiums will now go down if the bill is signed? This state is sinking so fast and the fact is there are people who either don’t want to see it or they are part of it and the band is playing on as the Titanic state slowly goes down.

  7. Look at this says - Posted: June 10, 2015

    Nature bats last, works for you. That tells me you are a free loader wanting someone else to pay your way. Have you ever thought as a young person to shop or educate yourself with a job or career that has a benifit package! Or be a successful business person and buy a worthy plan at a reasonable price. Americans are sick of paying people’s way that just want to float through life, grow dreads and chill. Or the ones that want to be lazy and live off government subsidys welfare and ebt. Get a life and be free independent and pick up your tab!!!!! And while on this rant it pisses me off when people are fat smokers drug and alcohol abusers and want the rest of us to pay your doctor bills. Boo hoo if you want to treat your body that way just die.

  8. Steve says - Posted: June 10, 2015

    For productive citizens, as opposed to takers and moochers, Obamacare has been deleterious with higher insurance rates, less benefits, and a disincentive to advance and improve oneself.

  9. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 10, 2015

    Hey, I got an idea. Let’s just shoot people when they get sick, or get caught with drugs, or come here ‘illegally’, have hair or skin pigments or religious preferences, or like people of their own gender, that aren’t American enough. Or can’t get a job, or get a job like Wally-World where they used to give you a food stamp application with your ‘new hire package’.

    We can harvest their organs, slurp out their collagen, make wigs from their hair. We could let them first fatten up at the taxpayers trough before we put them through the converter and magnanimously feed it to the elderly, and low income kids in Detroit and Louisiana. Why, we could even grind up what’s left after we extract their essence and feed it to cattle. Waste not want not!

    Maybe we can even institute a lottery for hunting them, cuz as Mr.Mustache and Kits and a few others tell us, they are nothing more than cockroaches(not to be confused with Kochroaches-a predatory species which is the result of moral deficiency)animals, scum, vermin. Or televise it on pay-per-view, cuz , you know, opportunity knocks loudest for those with good ol’ American gumption and a ‘can-do’ spirit!

  10. nature bats last says - Posted: June 10, 2015

    BTW. Noone pays for my medical insurance but me. Im not getting any handouts. As a matter of fact I prefer that everyone pays for their own medical insurance and there are millions of people that now have their own medical insurance and can do just that. Once again the wrongula thinks (or not)that im somehow a freeloader, and once again wrongula is, well wrong. At least she is consistant, along with her ilk. They have part of a brain between them, maybe…

  11. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 10, 2015

    @nats-of course they have part of a brain between them. It’s a snack they’re saving for later.

  12. nature bats last says - Posted: June 10, 2015

    Hahaha, yummy…