GOP presidential candidates coming to Stateline


The First in the West Presidential Roundup will be at Harveys Outdoor Concert Arena on Aug. 22.

The Nevada Republican Alliance has invited Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Graham, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Mike Pence, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum and Scott Walker.

Tickets are available online.


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Comments (47)
  1. duke of prunes says - Posted: June 10, 2015

    Only says ‘invited’. No guarantee we will get to see Santroum.

  2. Biggerpicture says - Posted: June 10, 2015

    Is it true? The GOP presidential clown car is coming to Tahoe?

  3. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 10, 2015


  4. Steven says - Posted: June 10, 2015

    Oh Boy, We can see how fat Chris Christie is in person !
    And they want us to pay to hear their spiel ? I’m thinking it won’t sell out.

  5. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: June 10, 2015

    Ha. Ha. Ha.

    maybe they will drink and gamble while they are here.

    maybe they will go to the Whore House, snort some Coke,
    smoke some Heroin.

    maybe they will all buy a time share at the Hole in the Ground.

    maybe they will just blow hot air and tell more lies.

  6. fromform says - Posted: June 11, 2015

    chief: yes, the GOP is the party of the christian coalition; the hot air, decadence, and untruths are right in keeping with the hollow tradition of religion.

  7. Tahoemom says - Posted: June 11, 2015

    Glad to have the “other side” be heard! We definitely need a change!!

  8. Justice says - Posted: June 11, 2015

    What a void of intelligence in the above comments, they try to share a brain cell or two at times, but they fail to come up with anything resembling a thought. Do they think their candidate Billiary, the corrupt one selling influence and lying and hiding is a real winner? This country needs a right turn in the executive office, not a corrupt soap opera of the corrupt Clin-tons.

  9. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 11, 2015

    Rick Perry all the way!

  10. TeaTotal says - Posted: June 11, 2015

    Don’t worry duke-even if he doesn’t show there will be no shortage of ‘santorum’ for all the rubes

  11. nature bats last says - Posted: June 11, 2015

    Maybe they will set the clown parade on those little seats that when they are hit with a ball the person falls into the water. Have a lie-o-meter that automatically trips the spring and dumps the clown into the water every time they lie (all wet, all the time!). Or the strong man mallet that each “candidate” has to use to hit the thingy and the one that gets the highest on the pole gets to be the one on the gop ticket. Or maybe they can throw pies in each others faces. I wouldnt pay to see any of it but it would give me a chuckle knowing what a spectable it is. LMAO!!!

  12. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 11, 2015

    Maybe The Daily Show could send a correspondent to analyze Santorum’s slick response to those who claim the GOP is trying to screw the voters in the ‘you-know-where’ though I doubt (Jeb)Bush would be open to the idea.

  13. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 11, 2015

    @TeaTotal….that could be the slogan for the event….”Lube for Rubes”

  14. Kits Carson says - Posted: June 11, 2015

    If this country elects the ever and on-going corrupt, lying Hillary then you will get what you deserve. She is AN OBVIOUS NON CHOICE!! She is so corrupt she even believes her own lies and thinks average Americans don’t see through her BS. Hussein is the same way. Pathetic and disgusting people.

  15. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: June 11, 2015

    So the National Republican Alliance (NRA) is putting on a show of its brightest stars. Lots of good statements and self endorsements made to be sure.
    Maybe a tsunami will whisk them all away from the shores of Tahoe and we will never see them again. OLS

  16. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 11, 2015

    Gosh Kits, it sounds as though you are describing yourself.

  17. Elvis says - Posted: June 11, 2015

    Does anyone believe there is a politician, regardless of party affiliation, that is not a corrupt liar and only cares about their own bank account?

  18. TeaTotal says - Posted: June 11, 2015

    his policies are what all of the American middle class need to recover from the devastation of 35 yrs. of reaganism- actually read what he stands for and tell me if you don’t agree

  19. fromform says - Posted: June 11, 2015

    yes bernie sanders. though too bad he is not instead 53, could really make some changes…

  20. business owner says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    Most of you are a freakn joke. Talking bad about the “other” side like “your” side is some sort of pristine, honorable, truth foundation. Both sides are so amazingly corrupt and selling our future to the highest bidder. Get a clue…our govt does not work for the people anymore….we have been sold out!

  21. sunriser2 says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    The haters will hate.

  22. TeaTotal says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    There are 3 kinds of people that vote GOP-the 1%ers obviously-those that make bank by sucking up to and promoting the 1%ers through media-and suckers-
    and suckers gonna suck

  23. nature bats last says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    BO. too bad you cant see the humor in this…dosent matter who the clowns represent, they are all a spectacle for our amusement at this point. Its hard to take any of this seriously…

  24. Parker says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    Bernie Sanders is a very good example! Strongly disagree with his views. And I find a degree of self-righted nous with him. But I genuinely mean this when I state that I respect him!

    The Sen. pushes for, and basically makes it his life’s work, for what he adamantly believes is best for the Country based on his World View. Good for him!

    It’s unfortunate that many can’t respect others whose World View on the American Political Spectrum is different than their own. And as Business Owner stated, anyone who blindly follows a particular parties’ power broker views as gospel, or 100% pure in motive, or as 100% fact, is living in a fantasy land!

  25. SCTahoe says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    I’ll be there. If you are going to make an informed decision it is always easiest to get some information first. Here is a rare opportunity to bypass the media and get it right from the source.

    The majority of the comments before me come as no surprise as many have already mailed it in for Hillary as they did for Barack.

  26. duke of prunes says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    Parker your punctuation has improved slightly but capitalization needs some work.

  27. TeaTotal says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    Parker-pardon me if I don’t respect the horrific failure of decades of reaganism-punctuated by the war criminals and banksters of the previous GOP administration that abused our military crashed our economy and bankrupted many hard working Americans-what a convenient memory the duped have for the bush/cheney debacle-tell me, what’s to respect about your opinions?

  28. Parker says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    Duke, whatever.

    Tea Total on Jan. ’81, when Reagan came into office America was in a bad place. When he left, I know cause I lived this, we no longer had the record misery index that he inherited from Carter, USSR was pulling its missiles out of Europe and soon the Wall came down.

    Clinton, for his last 6 years Republicans controlled Congress!

    Younger Bush, when the financial markets collapsed Dems. controlled Congress, and never issued a warning peep about any potential problems.

    But heck, don’t like the Reagan Years. Dems. controlled the House for all 8 of his years, and the Senate for the last 2. So maybe they deserve blame, or credit?

    100% drinking partisan Kool-Aid is living in one’s own World.

  29. TeaTotal says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    I agree with your last statement-the rest is santorum

  30. duke of prunes says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    No need to capitalize the word ‘world’ in that sentence. I know its really basic stuff but you really have to wonder what else is wrong.

  31. Dogula says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    Bernie Sanders: another millionaire socialist. Just what the country needs.

  32. duke of prunes says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    Define socialist.

  33. TeaTotal says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    democratic socialism is the most successful economic system in the world-who’s happier-healthier?-where does reaganism rank in all the important categories that count to our citizens?

  34. Dogula says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    Prunes, Mr. Sanders proudly admits to being a socialist. As he should. One should never be ashamed of one’s philosophy. If you are, you should rethink it.

  35. Parker says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    Thanks Duke for your continued obsession with me, where you don’t even have points to argue. And at my University level Comparative Literature classes, the professor approved of such capitalization. If your Ph.D. in English or Literature is more advanced than hers, good to know.

    And Yes, Bernie Sanders to his credit, does not hedge what he favors. He’s called a Socialist cause he unequivocally defines himself as such!

  36. SCTahoe says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    “democratic socialism is the most successful economic system in the world”

    First, the term democratic socialism is oxymoronic.
    Second, name one.

  37. duke of prunes says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    I doubt a professor let middle school writing skills slide. You’ll lose points on the GRE for things like that. Seriously, why even waste effort capitalizing the word ‘Yes’? Do what you want but understand that your credibility can take a hit.

    What about the use of the word ‘another’ dawg? Who is the other ‘socialist’ and is that term used properly?

  38. reloman says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    Parker, I think Tea Total must be a little on the young side, as he doesn’t remember the over 10% inflation rate for years during the Carter years. Reagan was the right man at the right time. 10% inflation was killing the middle and lower income levels. But I am guessing this was before Tea Totals time.

  39. Parker says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    Personal attacks hurt credibilty, not my year of Comparative Literature in the UC System!

  40. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    old Ronnie and daddy Bush were good at selling Crack Cocaine to the Crips who ran it across all of our country.

    some of you folks just don’t remember that.

    their is a really good book that you should read Journey to Nowhere by Dale Maharidge.

    it is a documentary of Raganomics in 81-82.

    I could tell you what it was like to be in business here in town back then, slim picking’s

  41. business owner says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    And clinton sold secrets to the chinese..whats your point? None of them work for “the people” anymore. But really…keep argueing partison crap…..we are so screwed.

  42. duke of prunes says - Posted: June 12, 2015

    *no need to capitalize the word ‘system’.
    It never ends with these people. Ever.
    Vote Santorum, no one cares.

  43. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 13, 2015

    @Chief-Daddy Bush hooked a generation of soldiers on heroin, too.

  44. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: June 13, 2015

    I think Bermie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren would be a good fit for the White House. Help the middle class and lift up the poor and stop going to war and make large corporations pay their share of taxes. OLS

  45. pine tree says - Posted: June 13, 2015

    Lift up the poor. They dont want to be lifted or they would have been by now with all the hand outs, nobody wants to work. Why should they?

  46. nature bats last says - Posted: June 17, 2015

    So is jeb and trumpet gonna get a golden ticket too? This could be the best comedy line up in town for the whole summer. Get palin and bachman to show up in tiny black dresses to be the doo wop girls shaking their groove things, have some big burly muscles as security so noone gets out of hand and let the show begin. All 10 of the crowd will go wild!

  47. hmmm... says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    Hey, Duke of Prunes…I think Parker had a great idea. Perhaps you could add Duke of ‘Whatever’ to your moniker list!

    On a more serious note, perhaps this is why BLM is pushing burning Man to put in a VIP compound…