Letter: Apology from business owner


To the community,

To anyone in attendance at the City Council meeting regarding vacation rentals, I want to sincerely apologize for my losing control of my emotions and inappropriate behavior at the public meeting.

Jim Morris, Lake Tahoe Accommodations


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Comments (12)
  1. Kathay Lovell says - Posted: June 19, 2015

    Unfortunately, this was not the first time Jim has done that at City Council.

  2. TeaTotal says - Posted: June 19, 2015

    Anyone who has had the distinct ‘pleasure’ of doing biz with Jim Morris-or has worked at LTA- knows what a pantload this apology is-
    here’s a clue Jim-there won’t be any armored cars following your hearse-greed is gonna kill you

  3. Kits Carson says - Posted: June 19, 2015

    You are a crook. You tried to screw me over years ago, but lost. Take your apology and stick it in your back pocket.

  4. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: June 19, 2015

    Jim Morris, I’ve been in and out of the rental business since I was a kid in the family run motels we had and I still have a rental to this day. It’s not easy and sometimes you get good guests and sometims bad. It’s the luck of the draw.
    I don’t know you but I feel your’e being unfairly attacked here.
    I was not at the council meeting you attended. But you and I have something in common. I got kicked out of one those meetings to! Welcome to the club!!! OLS

  5. rock4tahoe says - Posted: June 19, 2015

    So Jim, The “I’m sorry” thing isn’t working… what is your plan b?

  6. Joby says - Posted: June 19, 2015

    Other than Mrs. Lovell of whom I have great respect, and even more because she doesn’t throw stones from a blog name. I think the rest of you that can sit behind your computer and call names at a man that has apologized are imbeciles. You can accept his apology or not, but very cowardly to call names from an alias. Mr. Morris as a long time resident of the community I understand your frustration and feel the same as you. Somehow the dialogue has to be reasonable so we can get past VHR’s and on to bigger business!

  7. Faye says - Posted: June 19, 2015

    Mr. Morris has a history of bad behavior and a threatening attitude toward anyone that disagrees with his greed driven position on VHRs. He lives in Nevada and would not be able to vote on an initiative to control the continued permitting of VHRs in our residential neighborhoods. Our current city council needs to recognize the legal importance of zoning. Mammoth will soon be voting to protect their neighborhoods from zoning changes that would allow commercial use in their residential areas and Tahoe should consider the same. It seems that some of our council members don’t have the political will to represent the majority of residents, but rather have caved to the pressure of a room filled with angry realtors.
    At the last city council meeting it was announced that we now have 1800 VHRs in the city limits (almost 250 more than the last time this topic was on a CC agenda two months ago). Please city council do what you are elected to do or THE PEOPLE will take this to the voters. The anti parking meter team needs to help the town get organized to defend our rights.

  8. sunriser2 says - Posted: June 19, 2015

    At the next meeting I would like to see all the people who claim the police aren’t responding show up with a log of the events. We could have the property management co. owners and the police chief work it out like adults.

  9. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Sunriser2 that’s a great suggestion.

  10. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Mr. Morris needs to apologize for a major portion of his life-long attitude.

    He learned long ago (as many people do) that an aggressive, threatening attitude got him what he wanted far more often than it did not, and it has been his default practice since then.
    I would bet money that he was a bully in grade school.
    His demeanor goes long past VHR and political issues.

    I do come from a position of unavoidable experience with Mr. Morris over a period of years. Not in that position any more thankfully, and I would go a long way to avoid any dealings at all with the man in the future.

  11. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Long Skis-

    Your comment above, bragging about a personal similar incident as Mr. Morris’ ejection, eliminated any respect I ever had for you. If your comment was supposed to be humorous, it missed by a mile.

  12. Kits Carson says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Isn’t Morris the same guy who shot a coyote running in the street in the Keys? Showing open disregard for anyone or residences he could have hit.