Letter: Ski patrollers help at Bread & Broth

To the community,

“Heavenly Ski Patrol welcomes the opportunity to serve our community in times of need. We appreciate all of the effort toward feeding the hungry and feel privileged to be a part of it today.”

These were the collective words of Heavenly Ski Patrol members Jo Cain-Stiles, David E. Hellod and Nate Ludwig. These three ski patrol members were the volunteers representing the Heavenly Ski Patrol, which sponsored the hot and nutritious meal served by Bread & Broth at the May 18 evening dinner.

Approximately 95 meals were served by the welcoming ski patrol members. As a nonprofit, all volunteer organization, B&B provides full course meals, giveaway food bags and to go servings every Monday evening at St. Theresa Church Grace Hall and provides a smaller meal at its Second Serving on Fridays at the Lake Tahoe Presbyterian Church.

For several years now, the Heavenly Ski Patrol organization has been hosting two adopt A Day of Nourishments annually.  As always, the members from the ski patrol are really helpful with the dinner setup and stay to the very end of the dinner service helping with the dinner’s cleanup. Bread & Broth would like to thank the Heavenly Ski Patrol for its efforts to help those in need by providing the funds and giving their time to serve meals that ease hunger in the Lake Tahoe South Shore community.

To help B&B as a donor or sponsor, contact me at 530.542.2876 or carolsgerard@aol.com.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth