Opinion: Have Democrats pulled too far left?


By Peter Wehner, New York Times

Among liberals, it’s almost universally assumed that of the two major parties, it’s the Republicans who have become more extreme over the years. That’s a self-flattering but false narrative.

This is not to say the Republican Party hasn’t become a more conservative party. It has. But in the last two decades the Democratic Party has moved substantially further to the left than the Republican Party has shifted to the right. On most major issues the Republican Party hasn’t moved very much from where it was during the Gingrich era in the mid-1990s.

To see just how far the Democratic Party has moved to the left, compare Barack Obama with Bill Clinton. In 1992, Clinton ran as a centrist New Democrat. In several respects he governed as one as well. He endorsed a sentencing policy of “three strikes and you’re out,” and he proposed adding 100,000 police officers to the streets.

In contrast, President Obama’s former attorney general, Eric H. Holder Jr., criticized what he called “widespread incarceration” and championed the first decrease in the federal prison population in more than three decades. Obama, meanwhile, has chosen to focus on police abuses.

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Comments (16)
  1. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 6, 2015

    Uh, No.

  2. Isee says - Posted: June 6, 2015

    The article’s author is full of himself. You can tell by his title. Senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. Too bad he hasn’t learned, yet, that (Mr.) Obama’s title is President Obama. (the Dude can be in denial for 7 years but that doesn’t change the fact) He is also in denial about how the world has changed since the years of President Clinton. Listen to the Pope, if you don’t believe me. I am not an R or a D and do not need a liberal or conservative party to tell me how to vote and the best part is — every person I know feels the same way. Move over Republicans and Democrats ’cause a bug- eyed Independent is about to make you a moot point.

  3. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 6, 2015

    Maybe looking at how far to the right Republicans have veered….Reagan would be pilloried for his Liberalism in today’s Republican oligarchy.

    !see…which Bug-eyed Independent are you referring to?

  4. Isee says - Posted: June 6, 2015

    Mr. Bernie Sanders, Independent Senator from Vermont

  5. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 6, 2015

    That’s what I thought. I think his perspectives are spot on.

  6. reloman says - Posted: June 6, 2015

    YOu guys are really funny. The right has gone too far to the right and the left too far to the left. They both need to move closer to the voters that are in the middle. Sanders will go no where as he wont get the backing he will need to finish anything.

  7. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 6, 2015

    Can’t say you are wrong about the Right, Relo…though I wish I could. Think I will re-register as a Republican so I can vote for Rick Perry in the primary.

  8. nature bats last says - Posted: June 6, 2015

    Hmmmm, good strategy :)

  9. Isee says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    Hmmm- You’re kidding, right? And Relo…. just wait & watch. The times- they are a-changin’.

  10. reloman says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    Issee so what you are suggesting is that one of the 2 parties will be backing Bernie Sanders this round. That is very doubtful. Hmmm so you don’t think that the left has move too far to the left. They certainly are not the more centralist Party they were under Bill Clinton.

  11. nature bats last says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    Isee, I think Hmmm was using sarcasm, and yet I do know folks that have changed their party just to help tip the scales towards the least common denominator. In other words casting a vote for perry will take away a vote for carly. At least thats how I see it.

  12. TeaTotal says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    Relowrong-which occupant of the hilarious gop clown car full of candidates do you support- as a centrist?

  13. reloman says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    WOW, Tea Total, you are super witty, Do all of you arguments start with an insult? Bet you win a lot that way. Kind of weaky. I had a very interesting conversation with a very firm democrat who believes that every one who lives in a country should be allowed to vote ag Azul in heavenly village. His job is to software that is used to make sure that people who register to vote are eligible. It was a very nice conversation where we found we agree on many things. Not like what is done on here where those with weak arguments find they must throw insults, that belittle their own points. At this point I ddon’t know who I will vote for. Last presidental eelection I didn’t vote for anyone, as I felt that voting for someone I didn’t like was a waste of my vote. At this point it is way too early for me to decide.

  14. TeaTotal says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    In other words-as always-you got nothin

  15. reloman says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    In other words, when the time comes to vote I will study ALL candidates and vote for the best one and only for the one that I believe would do the best regardless of party. Now I could have just put down a name that I know would upset you just to bait you like you seem to enjoy doing to others like you just did to me.

  16. rock4tahoe says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    Sorry Peter, but your hack job falls flat.

    1. President Clinton wanted more Police on the Streets to fight the Cocaine/Crack problem created by the CIA under Reagan. He also wanted fewer weapons on the streets.

    2. The same fight against Crack produced mandatory sentences of 5 years for possession of 5 Grams (.2 ounces) of Crack which was the same sentence as possession of 500 Grams (1 pound) of Cocaine. These sentencing guidelines fueled the school to prison incarceration levels of mainly poor minorities.

    3. President Obama did not “Gut” welfare reform (as Mitt Romney tried to push) or even “loosen” welfare reform. He gave States like Utah the ability to create their own plan for welfare to work programs.

    4. President Clinton raised income taxes on the top 2% of incomes in 1993 and every Republican predicted fire and brimstone for the economy; didn’t happen did it.

    5. The record levels of Government Spending occurred under Reagan; who actually Tripled the Deficit with “Voodoo” economics. President Obama is focused on Income Inequality because in 1980 CEO’s made about 40 times more then the average worker but now make close to 200 times more.

    6. President Clinton did not enter office fighting Three Wars; Afghanistan, Iraq and Global War on Terror. He did intervene in the Balkans along with NATO support using mainly Airstrikes.

    7. President Clinton has a good track record on Environmental issues including the Kyoto Protocols of 1997 aimed at reducing green house gases.

    8. Yes, President Obama’s view of Gay rights has changed over time as has the American people. A Gallop Poll from 1996 produced 68% of Americans against same sex marriage; now the same poll shows 60% of American in favor of same sex marriage.

    9. The Affordable Car Act did not “nationalize health care” any more then uninsured motorist clauses nationalized automobile insurance. Heck, even people in Kentucky like Obamacare as long as you call it Kynect.

    And since you brought up the PEW Center: 72% of Americans believe same sex Marriage is inevitable, 83% believe Vaccines are safe for children, 73% support raising the minimum wage (including 53% of republicans), 72% believe Undocumented Workers should have be able to stay legally, 63% support the campaign against ISIS, 54% support Abortion in most cases, 53% believe Pot should be legal, Democrats care more about the Middle-class then republicans by 17% and Democrats are more tolerant and open to all groups then republicans by 24%.