Opinion: Nevada is not South Carolina, but …


By Jon Ralston, Reno Gazette-Journal

Nevada is not South Carolina.

We are not below the Mason-Dixon line. We are no longer the Mississippi of the West. We do not need Gov. Brian Sandoval to demand the Confederate flag be taken down.

We are different. Right?

A few months ago, during a legislative hearing, an assemblywoman named Michele Fiore congratulated colleague Harvey Munford on being the first “colored man to graduate from his college.” Colored.

Fiore later suggested playing the race card was an anachronism because America had elected a black president, thus negating racism. Munford did not protest.

Read the whole story


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Comments (21)
  1. Justice says - Posted: June 25, 2015

    Funny how he is silent on rap music lyrics where is his indignation? If you see everything in front of your eyes as racist and you have liberal white guilt as the victim of skin pigmentation you throw the PC card and write articles like this and attempt to silence free speech. The 1st Amendment is for protected speech and opinion on all subjects, not just pleasant speech or what the PC left want you to talk about. Should the history of the British bringing slaves to this continent be changed? Should the history of all of the native tribes who were all slaveholders be rewritten?

  2. k9woods says - Posted: June 25, 2015

    Kae, thanks for posting.

  3. copper says - Posted: June 25, 2015

    My thanks as well. I don’t pay much attention to pseudonyms on this forum, including mine, but is Justice’s irony intentional?

  4. Level says - Posted: June 25, 2015

    Why is it that so many conservatives feel that if you fail to ignore racism you are therfore a race baiter? It’s kind of a false dilemma, just like the “love it or leave it” slogan.

  5. dumbfounded says - Posted: June 25, 2015

    The juxtaposition of “free speech” and complaining about someone else’s use of “free speech” is awesome irony. Keep up the good work, cheap entertainment is hard to find but the hits just keep on coming on LTN’s comments section.

  6. Garry Bowen says - Posted: June 25, 2015

    As near as I can tell, no one on the face of the Earth currently asked to be here, meaning we are all here together. . .but are we ?

    It is the planet that we share that makes it so…but is it ?

    It is our differences that divide, & don’t bring us together.

    Race doesn’t really matter, but stupidity does…or does it ?

  7. Justice says - Posted: June 25, 2015

    People have every right to express protected speech regardless of the content outside of libel. The problem are the ones who want to re-write history and constantly do their victimization of their race either by guilt or being the victim of something or of a flag or statute or a war where hundreds of thousands died and their interpretation what the war was about. It is very interesting that the UK doesn’t have the same self loathing over the same issues relating to their ancient past of using slave labor especially in the colonies they claimed and introduced the practice to. Here it is a business and the theme of a leftist radical party trying to provoke unrest and discontent.

  8. nature bats last says - Posted: June 25, 2015

    Having the “right” to say whatever the h ell you want, whenever you want, to whomever you want dosent make it right. Our society is really crumbling due to the people who have overexercised that perceived “right”. Same with gun worship…

  9. Kit's Carson says - Posted: June 25, 2015

    nature: Give it a rest. Guns will not go away. You’d have a better chance of drugs going away and we all know that story.
    Whiny entitlements have over exercised their right to stop free speech because something offends them. Our country is crumbling because nobody can say what’s on their mind if it offends anyone. PATHETIC!!! Oh, but your president and the rest of the blacks can say Ni**er all they want.

  10. rock4tahoe says - Posted: June 25, 2015

    Kit, actually more people have weapons then use drugs in America per capita.

    “I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro. They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.” – Cliven Bundy, Nevada

    Now THAT is how racism is done boys and girls.

    If you want to plant the Confederate Flag on your house, ok. However, at a State Capital… in South Carolina…NO. That is NOT freedom of Speech.

  11. Kit's Carson says - Posted: June 25, 2015

    rock: I do agree, perhaps that flag should not fly over a Government building. I was referring to PC speech these days. What next, we throw out Webster’s for some PC one?

  12. nature bats last says - Posted: June 25, 2015

    Kitty, No, I will not “give it a rest”. As long as the likes of you are spewing your hatred, ill say what I please to whomever I please cuz its my “right”.

    Aint that the merican way?

  13. Justice says - Posted: June 25, 2015

    The state’s can make their own choices about their flags and vote if needed. Not misguided liberals with an agenda for discontent and riots for votes. The fact is this article was an attack on the 1st Amendment rights of a few people who expressed opinions. They were quoted in a few sentences most likely far out of context. The entire quotes and articles should be used for context. Northern Nevada has much more in common with Northern Cal than any other area and the state of Jefferson would be Nevada’s new neighbor.

  14. Kit's Carson says - Posted: June 25, 2015

    nature idiot: You just totally contradicted yourself from your earlier post. Forgot to take your bi-polar meds again?

    “nature bats last says – Posted: June 25, 2015
    Having the “right” to say whatever the h ell you want, whenever you want, to whomever you want dosent make it right. Our society is really crumbling due to the people who have overexercised that perceived “right”. Same with gun worship…”

  15. Biggerpicture says - Posted: June 25, 2015

    Justice, now what riots over this flag issue are you speaking?

  16. nature bats last says - Posted: June 26, 2015

    Kitty. Finger pointer

  17. rock4tahoe says - Posted: June 27, 2015

    Kitty. This has nothing to do with “whiny entitlements”; whatever that means. And only you think our Country is crumbling (we have $240 Trillion in Assets.)

    The Confederate flag flying above a State Capital is just as offensive as a Swastika flag would be.

  18. Parker says - Posted: June 27, 2015

    As bad as slavery was, it was not the attempted extermination of a people of a certain religion, the Jews. Not to mention others, including Gypsies.

    A Confederate flag is not as offensive as offensive as a swastika.

  19. rock4tahoe says - Posted: June 27, 2015

    Well, my Grandmother thought the Confederate Flag was as offensive as Hitlers flag… and she was born in Louisiana. Of course she was only one generation removed from Slavery and may have learned a thing or two from her Mother and Grandmother about it.

    I will qualify my previous post. Both the Confederate Flag and a Swastika Flag are very offensive to a lot of People… In my opinion.

  20. Dogula says - Posted: June 27, 2015

    The Constitution doesn’t guarantee anyone a right to not be offended.
    And yeah, the flag of a dead government doesn’t belong in any public building. But taking it off the shelves of stores and movie toys is flat out absurd.

  21. rock4tahoe says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    So Dog, you want businesses like Walmart, Amazon and Ebay to keep selling Confederate flags because it is “absurd” not to sell them… Really.

    They are taking them off the shelves because most Humans are sick and tired of having to look at such a racist reminder of slavery, hatred, and death.

    And hey, if you want to fly the flag of Nazi Germany on your property… knock yourself out Dog.