Same product, different price for women
By Shelby Slade, Deseret News
Does packaging an item in pink turn it into a luxury item? Some think so.
As if women weren’t already making less money, 78 cents for every dollar a man earns because of the wage gap, the “pink tax” may be overcharging women at the store too.
Studies show that women are paying more for everyday items and services, like deodorant, razors, shaving cream and dry cleaning, than for comparable items marketed to men.
Some manufacturers of shampoo and deodorant said the reason their products for women cost more was because they cost more to produce than the men’s versions, the Huffington Post reported.
Simply a case of “what the market will bear”. If you don’t like the price, buy something or someplace else. Production costs are irrelevant. Business is business.
That .78 cent myth continues. . .