Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· Washoe County Sheriff’s Office launched its new Lake Tahoe patrol boat on June 23 at Incline Village.
· Lake Tahoe Community College on June 26 at 6pm will see 184 students receive their AA degrees; 43 are graduating with honors, and nine with highest honors. Another 40 students are receiving departmental certificates.
· The National Council on Interpreting in Health Care has named Tracy Young a 2015 Language Access Champion. Young is the language access services coordinator for Barton Health.
· League to Save Lake Tahoe’s Eyes on the Lake Training is July 15 from 5:30-8:30pm in South Lake Tahoe. RSVP online for location and additional details.
· Introduction to Content Management is the topic of the July 7 5-7pm Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce workshop. It is free for members and $15 for non-members. Register by calling 775.588.1728.