Using rain barrels a violation of Nev. water rights
By Mark Robison, Reno Gazette-Journal
Can you use a rain barrel to collect water in Nevada?
Short answer:
Full answer:
During spates of rain as we’ve had recently, the topic of rain barrels comes up.
These are what they sound like: a barrel that you collect rain or other precipitation so that you can use or redirect the water later.
How they work generally is that the downspout coming from the roof gutter is cut or has a diversion spout so rain empties into a barrel. Barrels then have a faucet inserted into the base. A hose can be attached to redirect the water when and where needed.
This is not legal in Nevada.
Nevada has not had an adequate water inventory since at least the ’60’s, so these restrictions can most likely be “put-to-bed”, as their basis is fundamentally & leagalkly suspect. . .
Ca changed its’ own laws regarding ‘grey water’ several years ago, for example, which would include rainbarrels & the like, in keeping landscaping & gardens producing, so Nevada should follow suit, given their overall 4,000 ft. altitudes & desert environment. . .
Oh no, nevada imposing its rights on the people of nevada, oh the horror, what next? Taxes? Burn down the capital!!! I can hear the flat earthers with all their (everyone has one) opinions because they know everything and nevada is such a “smart” place to move to. LMAO
I moved out of NV after 30 yrs! This is an outrage!! Rain fall is not owned by NV!! R u freekin’ kidding??