With Sandoval opting against Senate run, how will GOP’s power structure change?

Gov. Brian Sandoval does not want Sen. Harry Reid's job. Photo/LTN file

Gov. Brian Sandoval does not want Sen. Harry Reid’s job. Photo/LTN file

By Kyle Roerink, Las Vegas Sun

When Gov. Brian Sandoval revealed recently he would forgo a run for Senate, the announcement ended a year of speculation about his political future but triggered a new round of conjecture.

The subject this time around: What’s next for the Nevada GOP’s power structure?

U.S. Rep Joe Heck and state Sen. Michael Roberson are now the GOP front-runners looking to make high-profile ladder climbs this election season. The two are still publicly quiet about their plans, but Nevada political observers are abuzz about the futures of the two Southern Nevada lawmakers.

As for Sandoval, saying no to the Senate may open other doors. So what are the potential paths for the state’s top Republicans?

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