Nevada higher ed chancellor criticized
By Bethany Barnes, Las Vegas Review-Journal
As the state looks to improve education as a way to create new industry and jobs, some academics and lawmakers are asking a difficult question: Is Dan Klaich the right person to lead the state‘s higher education system?
The chancellor has been at the center of recent controversies involving the Nevada System of Higher Education, the latest of which has prompted an investigation. Rick Trachok, chairman of the Nevada Board of Regents, announced last week that he hired a consultant to look into concerns about Klaich‘s handling of a consultant‘s report.
The Review-Journal has reported that Klaich commissioned an out-of-state consultant to review the College of Southern Nevada and recommend a way for his office to continue governing the state‘s four community colleges. But emails among Klaich, the consultants and other state higher education officials, obtained through the state‘s public record law, show the chancellor didn‘t like the consultant‘s criticism of his operation and demanded a rewrite.