Planned Parenthood controversy reaches Placerville


By Sammy Caiola, Sacramento Bee

StemExpress, a Placerville biotech firm specializing in stem cell procurement for scientific research, is under fire after being mentioned in a viral YouTube video created by abortion opponents.

The video, posted Tuesday, shows footage of Dr. Deborah Nucatola, senior director of medical services at the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, discussing over lunch the harvesting of fetal organs for research. She’s talking with two actors from the anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress, who were posing as representatives from a biotech firm.

The eight-minute undercover clip, which has garnered over 1 million views and inspired the popular anti-abortion Twitter hashtag “#PPSellsBabyParts,” is edited in a way to suggest Planned Parenthood and its affiliates profit from fetal tissue and organs procured during abortions, which is against federal law.

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Comments (32)
  1. nature bats last says - Posted: July 16, 2015

    These anti abortion freaks are full of c ra p

  2. Gus says - Posted: July 16, 2015

    The massacre of innocents isn’t limited to Herod’s day.

  3. copper says - Posted: July 16, 2015

    I don’t even have a dog in this Planned Parenthood hunt but the folks who believe that their religious superstitions ought to be our political realities annoy me so much that every time there’s a new attack on Planned Parenthood I send them a donation. If your goal is to enrich P.P. and break me, keep it up.

  4. fromform says - Posted: July 16, 2015

    human population growth=end game of this ecosystem. religions spearheaded it.

  5. Dogula says - Posted: July 16, 2015

    Whole lotta spin here. They hate it when they get caught.
    This isn’t a matter of “religion”. Selling murdered baby parts is heinous. And they WERE selling them, much as they try to make you think your ears and eyes are lying to you.
    And if you think it’s okay, you need to reconsider your values.
    Planned Parenthood has murdered more black babies than any Confederate flag ever did.

  6. copper says - Posted: July 16, 2015

    I don’t normally get into responding, and I’m not going to do much here either, but, Ms Dog, you’re demonstrating my point by confusing your religious view of “murder” with the civil view held by most modern Western cultures. As with all religions, I fully support your right to hold your view, but refuse to accept your attempt to make your views into my law.

  7. Dogula says - Posted: July 16, 2015

    You’re wrong, Copper. My statement has nothing to do with religion.
    It’s a human life. Murder is wrong, religion or not, right?

  8. nature bats last says - Posted: July 16, 2015

    So is selling dead animal parts, heinous, so is selling guns for the purpose of killing humans (and animals IMHO), stay the h e ll out I f my vagina and ill stay the h e ll out of yours, if you dont want an abortion than dont get one…

  9. Justice says - Posted: July 16, 2015

    Selling human parts for profit and/or research in this case is sickening and is done, it appears, without known consent from those unable to consent, or likely, without the rule of law. This is what communists and drug cartels do. It is either criminal in this country or it should be. It is something that this person at PP should be fired for and all tax payer money should be removed from PP. They should have to operate privately without any government taxpayer funds in the first place.

  10. Rob5 says - Posted: July 16, 2015

    You all should go back and read the whole article. The video is a short, edited few minutes out of a multi hour recording. The editing was done by a group that will do anything to make PP look bad.

    PP has denied selling body parts and said they only accept costs of sending the tissue that women have agreed to donate.

    Selling human body parts is illegal in the US and I suspect, but don’t know, that the prohibition extends to fetal material.

    Finally, murder is a legal term and not appropriate for abortions, which are legal.

  11. Justice says - Posted: July 16, 2015

    “It is done without the consent of those unable to consent.” Illegal and against the law as it should be. This person should be fired and all tax monies removed from PP.

  12. Dogula says - Posted: July 16, 2015

    I wonder why so many are defending the sellers of body parts from murdered children.
    It’s sick to commit such an act, but to defend it. . .

  13. duke of prunes says - Posted: July 16, 2015

    Take your angry sky man elsewhere. It doesn’t apply to people who don’t believe in it.
    Your comment is hyperbolic and ridiculous.

  14. Dogula says - Posted: July 17, 2015

    Odd (or not). The only people who are referring to God and religion here are those who purport to not believe.

  15. k9woods says - Posted: July 17, 2015

    Oh for pete’s sake, the date/time stamp on this report is 2000 (15 years ago)…..

  16. nature bats last says - Posted: July 17, 2015

    This article is so full of bs and is absolutly untrue. Google it and pretty much every thread takes you to foxnoise bimbos who say they “heard” someone say something, bla bla bla…

    this is just troll glue. I guess it worked.

  17. TeaTotal says - Posted: July 17, 2015

    ‘Center for Medical Progress’ is a religious wingnut hate group that wants ‘big gubmint’ to control women’s personal reproductive rights according to their dominionist BS and phony/edited hit video and rapidly disappearing webshites
    98% of Planned Parenthood’s work involves providing real sex education and contraceptive info resulting in countless unwanted pregnancies and preventing STD’s-
    while providing safe/legal abortion services for those that use them for whatever their personal/private needs may be, happens in less than 2% of their clients

  18. Hmmm... says - Posted: July 17, 2015

    Rather than get into discussing the ‘video’ per se, let’s scratch deeper…maybe call it a mosquito bite from the Lord of Hypocrisy for Profit. Greedy exploitation at the expense of another is the God of the Realm for Capitalists. Why should fetus’s be exempt? Couldn’t we also do something to tap into the unused remains of all those children, babies and pre-babies who we murder with drones and through our military support of aggressor nations, and policies that create terrorism, war and starvation worldwide, and a toxic environment, and food that sucks$hit because it’s nutritionally neutered, and clothing and tech and fuel full of carcinogenic chemicals, maybe we can have mothers pick the shrapnel out and cut of the carcino-lumps and then send those babies to Halliburton/Carghill/Monsanto’s Genetic Extraction Division, ….oh wait, I’m sorry….THIS article is about fear mongering ideologues using shock tactics to scare the guiltpee outta some teenager who wasn’t allowed to have ready access to contraceptives because Republicans and religious whacks think the most logical and effective birth control is for her to keep her legs closed and him to keep his zipper up. Now that’s realistic personal and political policy, eh?

    Religious believers in the ‘sanctity of life’ don’t like what I’m saying? Then press your elected representatives to actually support life…by enacting policies that truly support the living. Or you can buy the face cream for younger looking skin on Amazon for a little less than a weeks take home pay for a minimum wage earner. For the jumbo size jar.
    Sorry if I offended anybody with the truth.

  19. nature bats last says - Posted: July 17, 2015

    What needs to be done with all the people murdered by guns and the war machine is to have their remains photographed and shared so EVERYONE can see what is happening with gun violence and wars. These clean little snippets about the most recently killed victims is all sterile and cleaned up so the videos just show Crime Scene Tape and a bunch of police standing around looking glum or talking on their cell phones. We need for everyone to see the carnage, blood, gore, than maybe WE THE PEOPLE will demand a change in this gun worship b s that we call our “right” to have any weapons we think are cool to have and use in “self defense”.

  20. nature bats last says - Posted: July 17, 2015

    Tea total and Hmmm, well said.

  21. Kits Carson says - Posted: July 17, 2015

    nature: It’s not the guns!!! It’s the idiots using them. When will you get that?!!

  22. Hmmm... says - Posted: July 17, 2015

    Kits…It is both.

  23. Kits Carson says - Posted: July 17, 2015

    Hmmm: I’d be first in line to ban the idiots.

  24. nature bats last says - Posted: July 17, 2015

    Kitty, I totally get it and I know that if there wernt guns than there wouldnt be gun violence.

  25. Hmmm... says - Posted: July 17, 2015

    Kits… licensing guns generates money for those who perform the background checks, plus background checks are a joke. Corporations make guns for profit, far easier to stop that than to stop idiots from breeding. Wouldn’t you agree?

  26. Hmmm... says - Posted: July 17, 2015

    And Dogula…not everyone who believes in ‘something more’ has the same definition as you and other follower’s of the cult of Jesus. I believe in God. I believe in Goddess. I believe they are equal partners and the Universe(‘s) is(are) the Created consequence of their inspired and constantly renewing love affair with each other, which is reflected in the myriad facet’s of biological process. I believe this solar system is a zygote, one of many, and these galaxies fetus’s…and that the Creator incarnates in Creation. And even though we are in a particular Universe-body some thirteen or fourteen billion years old…all we really have is the eternal and ephemeral present. THERE my friend, is where we find the living Christ. Not in some constipated books.

  27. Kits Carson says - Posted: July 17, 2015

    Hmmm: We will never be able to stop either. So best to protect yourself. Your government isn’t about to.

  28. Kits Carson says - Posted: July 17, 2015

    nature: I can’t help you. There will always be both.

  29. duke of prunes says - Posted: July 17, 2015

    That video is really suspicious, highly edited, wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out to be lies.
    Not sure what ASM does to liars, probably involves something horrendous.

  30. amy m says - Posted: July 17, 2015

    I think more people are upset about a bear being killed. Our society is messed up

  31. Hmmm... says - Posted: July 18, 2015

    ” Kits Carson says – ….’Hmmm: I’d be first in line to ban the idiots.”

    Would ya now?

    So many pithy responses come yo mind I don’t know where to begin…think I’ll just let it percolate for a bit…

  32. Bob says - Posted: July 28, 2015

    Federal law prohibits the sale of body parts of aborted babies. In fact, the sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony. I can’t imagine sitting through the original 2 hour video. Of course, the Sacramento Sleeze, couldn’t be bothered to mention as it might upset their agenda.
    We can only hope planned parenthood doesn’t sell the genetic material from “Hmm”, “Teatotal” and “Nature bats” latest abortion to a company involved in cloning. There’s more than enough “Grubers” walking around.