U.S. volleyball team represented by STHS student

Kaitlynn Watson, a senior at South Tahoe High School, participated as the starting libero of the U.S. Westside California 17 and under team in the 11th annual European Global Challenge Volleyball tournament in Pula, Croatia.

The team, made up of players under the age of 17 from California, placed seventh in the challenge tournament. The California squad played several teams from Europe, including the Italian and Croatian national champions between July 8-18.

Kaitlynn Watson of South Lake Tahoe played on U.S. volleyball in Europe this month. Photo/Provided

Kaitlynn Watson of South Lake Tahoe played on a U.S. volleyball in Europe this month. Photo/Provided

The U.S. was also represented by teams from the Midwest, South and a second team from California.

The tournament also featured under 22-year-old teams, including the United States Junior National team and the Mountain West All Star team (including Lyndsey Anderson from UNR).  The U.S. Junior Nationals won the U22 division, defeating the Italian Junior National team 3-2.

“It was an honor to be selected for the team, and then participate against some of the best teams in Europe,” Watson said in a statement. “To be able to represent not only South Tahoe, but the United States, is mind-blowing.”