USFS ecologist to talk about climate change
Climate change, forests, and fire: what do current trends mean for resource management in the Sierra Nevada? is the topic of a talk by Hugh Safford on Aug. 4.
Safford is a regional ecologist with the U.S. Forest Service. He will summarize trends in climatic change from the past, present, and projected future, and discuss how these interact with wildfire and other disturbances and stressors to influence terrestrial ecosystems. Focus will be principally on vegetation, plant diversity, and a few key animal species, but effects on other factors like carbon, water, and soil will also be outlined. Safford will discuss implications of these trends for resource management in the Sierra Nevada.
The free talk is sponsored by Friends of the Library. The event at the South Lake Tahoe Library, 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd., starts at 6pm.