Vacation rental water leak allowed to flow

It took more than a week for South Tahoe PUD to shut the water off at a vacation rental in El Dorado County that had a leak. Photo/Provided
By Kathryn Reed
All weekend water ran from a South Shore vacation home rental into the gutter and down a storm drain – with the knowledge of the rental agency and water company.
South Tahoe PUD crews determined the leak at the Muskwaki Drive house in the unincorporated area of El Dorado County was on the customer’s side of the meter – meaning it’s the owner’s responsibility to fix it, not the district’s.
“Why we didn’t turn the water off to the vacation rental is what we understood from the rental company is they couldn’t relocate the tenants,” Richard Solbrig, general manager of STPUD, told Lake Tahoe News. “We would be putting people out of town if we insisted on turning the water off. Based on the leak it wasn’t going to affect our conservation target.”
Solbrig described the leak as minor, not causing erosion issues, and not posing a health and safety concern.
When asked if a full-time resident would be allowed to let a leak go all weekend, Solbrig paused.
“It’s a judgment call,” he said.
The person would likely get a written warning for wasting water and might be allowed to wait until Monday to fix the problem to avoid the cost of a plumber on a weekend. STPUD has no written policy about when non-serious leaks merit the water being shut off.
However, the case in the county wasn’t just about this weekend.
A neighbor said on July 19 he called the leak into the Tahoe Keys Resort – the rental agency. He said South Tahoe PUD crews came out various times during the week.
“So it has soaked through the slope, draining into the gutter and also has gone under the gutter and street and is coming up in the street in a crack,” the neighbor, who didn’t want to be identified, told Lake Tahoe News.
As of 5:20pm July 27, the neighbor said, “It looks like it has the last several afternoons, where the water in the street dries, but the water continues to flow in the gutter.”
Tahoe Keys Resort said no one was available to talk about the issue and would not take a message for a manager to call back.
Solbrig said the water was turned off July 27 by his employees. STPUD will be in the loop about when the leak is fixed because at some point the water company will be asked to restore service.
Thanks for the info/article Kae.
If the water was turned off, why was it still running at 5:20 pm.
Isn’t it nice a full time resident would receive a written warning for wasting water, yet a vacation rental is allowed to let water flow for an entire week. I’d say baloney for not being able to relocate the tenants. Maybe the problem was there wasn’t another rental with an indoor pool available. That’s right, a stinking indoor pool. What’s the rule on pools during this drought ?
Both STPUD and Tahoe Keys Resort need a couple of good swift kicks in the rear. Get with the program or get out.
Is this the same company that Councilman Davis is part owner of?
So there is a pool that’s leaking thousnds of gallos a a day. Now residential homes with leaking pipes are pouring water into storm drains? People over watering dead lawns. We are in a drought folks!!!! These things need to be fixed… pronto!!!
The aquafier and wells only last so long.
Take care and conserve water. Old Long Skiis
why didn’t the rental company call a plumber ?
I call BS as well that one little group of tourists couldn’t be relocated. “Putting them out of town”? What is that BS supposed to mean? Locals would have been fined right away but this unwanted vacation ‘hotel’ and the Hard Rock as well as the Keys gets away with wasting water and polluting our lake. I smell BS the whole way. Right Chief, the obvious solution was to call a plumber.
Bureaucracy at it’s best- can it get any WORSE !
Allowing water to flow is irresponsible and ridiculous. No acceptable excuse. Sorry for the inconvenience to the tenants- if this was their home wouldn’t they figure out how to resolve the problem !
Our sprinklers ran for 10 minutes past 6:00am. A representative from STPUD knocked on the door with documentation that said we would be fined unless it was stopped. Nice to know that enforcement is a “judgement call” that just happens to benefit our local good old boys club members only.
It is interesting that water sprinkling live plants is considered “serious”, but water running down the street is considered “not serious”. No written policy, my a$$.
It seems pretty simple to me. Shut off the water, leave STPUD on-call number, wait for them to need water before turning it back on. Indoor swimming pool… Wow.
Absolutely right, Chief.
It makes no sense. Millions and millions of gallons of water for snow making but we can’t keep our plants and trees alive. An unattended hose dripping on a tree or plant is also a fine or a “judgment call”. More rules for the little people and Vail is STPUD’s biggest customer. Go figure..
Depending on who you are you will be threatened for wasting water. Verbal warning then a written warning with a fine. Casinos, vacation homes and SOME full time residents are apparently exempt from taking care of water leaks. In some cases, huge water leaks. Selective enforcement at its finest! Some people over water their yards like crazy but nothing happens as water runs down the street. Others? They lower the boom and you’re fined for watering on the wrong day.
Did Keys marina get fined for leaking sewage into the lake? Nope. Did the keys get fined for stealing state owned property to turn into a parking lot for use of the marina? Nope… selective enforcement!
We should all be aware of our water usage but some people could really care less. As one neighbor was watering his dead lawn while it was raining I talked with him but he told me we live next to a big lake and that’s where we get our water. He does not believe we are on well water. To each his own,I guess. Just less water for all the rest.
Take Care, Old Long Skiis
This property management company should be fined immediately for negligence. OLS is right, all those water wasters and polluters get a free pass. Careful STUPiD, you’ll soon be as hated as the fools in Washington. Your selectively enforced, judgment calls will be brought up in court. You best start playing fair.