Bobcat trapping to cease in California
The California Fish and Game Commission voted 3-2 this week to ban bobcat trapping statewide.
Commission President Jack Baylis and Commissioners Anthony Williams and Eric Sklar voted in favor of a statewide ban. Commission Vice President Jim Kellogg and Commissioner Jacqueline Hostler-Carmesin voted against it.
The decision completely bans bobcat trapping in California, with the exception of depredation trapping.
The ban will become effective after approval by the state Office of Administrative Law and submission to the Secretary of State. The regulations may be effective before the start of the 2015-16 bobcat trapping season.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
Good, leave them cat’s along
I met alone, I have a trigger finger
Amazing good news. These votes seem seldom to go the way environmentalists would like. Cheers for Fish and Wildlife who got it right this time.
I never realized that they were trapped. Why? Man seems to be the only species that is so jealous of his fellow predators that he feels obliged to wipe them out. And we claim to have intellects.
Coyotes and Bobcats are welcome in my yard. Bears, drones and Republicans, not so much. The rabbits and quail are on their own.
What’s wrong with Bears? To big and powerful for you? That’s why humans kill all big things, we are afraid of anything more powerful than us. And without rabbits, your coyotes and bobcats might get hungry.