Homeowners catch would-be burglar in the act

A Placerville teenager was arrested last week on burglary charges.

Tryston Alvarez-Ross

Tryston Alvarez-Ross

Homeowners on Lo-Hi Court in Placerville said they found Tryston Alvarez-Ross, 19, in their house on Aug. 26 about 8pm. They kept him until officers arrived.

The victims said they were gone a couple of hours. Alvarez-Ross reportedly came walking out of the house as they pulled up.

The house had been ransacked, the TV turned on, and alcohol consumed, accordign to officers.

Tryston Alvarez-Ross was arrested on charges of burglary. He had been arrested on burglary and drug charges on Aug. 24 and was released less than three hours before allegedly committing the latest crime.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report