Letter: Campground is a folly on the ridge

To the community,

What does it take to snap you out of your apathy? Paul Revere galloping along Highway 28 shouting “the developers are coming, the developers are coming.”

The Tahoe Rim Trail offers many things: physical challenge, endless beauty and the quietness of nature at high elevations. Do hikers and bikers really want to run into a swimming pool and restaurant? Do we really need one person telling all of us how many camp sites we need on our end of the lake?

This proposed campsite scar on our hillside is a precursor to more of the same: more cars, more people, more congestion, more noise and more possibilities of wildfires. I know I’m full of questions. You should be too. Remember the movie “Network” where Peter Finch yells – “I’m mad as hell and I won’t take this any more.”

Two government agencies are in a position to block this disaster. One, Placer County, will soon issue a draft environmental impact report and you reading and responding to it will be your first opportunity to thwart this project.

I hope you will stand tall and shout.


Steve Pearsall, Crystal Bay