Letter: Farmers Ins. takes turn at B&B

To the community,

The Jonathan Hetherton Farmers Insurance Agency was the Adopt A Day of Nourishment host for Bread & Broth’s dinner on Aug. 3. Their sponsorship helped provide a nourishing dinner for those who deal with the challenges of hunger in our community, which include the working poor, families in need, elderly on a fixed income, as well as those living outdoors.

Being a business committed to serving the community through service, Jonathan Hetherton chose to sponsor a B&B dinner and brought his agency team members Tiffany Hetherton Grimes, Bill Hetherton, Maria Sandorff and Nancy Macias to cheerfully prepare giveaway bags, man the serving line, clean tables, and even dry dishes.

“Thank you Bread & Broth and your amazing team of volunteers for allowing the Hetherton Agency to assist today,” said Jonathan Hetherton. “Our family business has been in Lake Tahoe since 1968 and we truly love being a member of this community.  Its organizations like yours which make Lake Tahoe a true community in which I’m proud to live.”

An a nonprofit organization, B&B is truly grateful for businesses like the Hetherton Farmer’s Insurance Agency that in addition to providing insurance protection for their clients, also helps to protect and support those who for many reasons need help in their daily lives to deal with the hardships of hunger.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth