Meyers shooting ends with arrest in Incline


By Kathryn Reed

A Central Valley man with an arrest record that encompasses several pages was arrested last week in Incline Village for allegedly shooting at a vehicle in Meyers.

Ignacio Arizaga, 35, turned himself in to Washoe County sheriff’s deputies on July 30 saying he thought he killed someone.

 Ignacio Arizaga

Ignacio Arizaga

Multiple rounds were fired at a Toyota Prius about 11:18pm Thursday. According to the California Highway Patrol, at least one bullet went through the driver’s door and hit the driver’s seat. The driver was not hurt.

Because the description of the vehicle was vague it was difficult to locate the suspect.

“There were some other circumstances regarding the suspect that made him think he needed to shoot this person, but everything was completely random. He didn’t know who he was shooting at,” CHP Officer Ruth Loehr told Lake Tahoe News. But she would not elaborate what those circumstances were.

Arizaga remained in custody Monday in Washoe County jail on more than $80,000 bail. He is charged with four counts of a felon in possession of a firearm, possession of a controlled substance and trafficking drugs.

“He will probably be here a while based on the charges,” Washoe County sheriff’s Deputy Jeff McCaskill told Lake Tahoe News.

Once Nevada is done with him, Arizaga will likely be extradited to California where he could face attempted murder and assault charges.


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Comments (13)
  1. Kits Carson says - Posted: August 3, 2015

    Perfect. Yet another roach in our town from down in the ghetto flats.

  2. Justice says - Posted: August 3, 2015

    This happening in Meyers? Un-freaking believable! Another likely ILLEGAL on a crime spree trying to kill someone while drugged out not even knowing who he was shooting at, likely an innocent LEGAL citizen. This has to be stopped one way or another. The people of this county will not sit back and let this go on.

  3. Dan Stroehler says - Posted: August 3, 2015

    Time to thin the herd a little.

  4. Kits Carson says - Posted: August 4, 2015

    Too bad some citizen with a CCW wasn’t around to put this insect down for good. POS!

  5. Kits Carson says - Posted: August 4, 2015

    Too bad one of us with a CCW wasn’t around to put this insect down for good. Nice tats for a target. POS

  6. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 4, 2015

    Oh great, another CCW permit holder that views themselves as a super hero.

    Kits, from your outrageous comments you continually post it’s quite evident that you suffer from an over inflated sense of self that borders on psychotic. I would question your qualifications to even have a CCW permit based on your unstable emotional state!

  7. Kits Carson says - Posted: August 4, 2015

    Yes Big mouth I would protect innocent citizens. I know you would probably run and hide like a little school girl, calling the Sheriff and bit*h about them not saving you in time. PUSS!

  8. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 4, 2015

    LOL Kits! Funny that you view someone like me that doesn’t live in a fear based reality, as you do, and has no need in my life to carry any weapons let alone concealed ones, as a wimp. Unlike you I don’t need phallic symbols to enhance my self image.

    Have a great day LITTLE fella!

  9. Kits Carson says - Posted: August 4, 2015

    Not afraid at all. Prepared. Enjoy being a victim. I’m sure you can talk your way out of being robbed or killed. LOL

  10. Kits Carson says - Posted: August 4, 2015

    Not afraid at all. Prepared. Enjoy being a victim. I’m sure you can talk your way out of being robbed or killed. LOL
    Take a good, long look at this scums picture. You may be face to face when he makes bail. Think about what you will say when he points a gun in your face. I’m sure he will be open to discussion.

  11. Justice says - Posted: August 4, 2015

    There was also the Native American parents of seven murdered last week by an illegal in Montana they stopped to help. The Sheriff of this county may very well need to put some undercover units and armed citizens out as a posse just like Arizona and start taking down these killers and felons whenever they are seen. Where are ALL of the angry open-border liberals who called anyone who wants to secure our borders all kinds of things? THIS is what open-borders bring in! There are zero excuses for it and any open-borders liberal in any elected office should be charged as an accessory. This killer could have shot anyone from babies to grandparents for no reason at all. He didn’t escape back home to Mexico because the cartels will probably kill him for murders there. This is just one of tens of thousands of gang members and cartel hit men that are here illegally and waiting to kill someone, like the driver of the car in Meyers he tried to murder. When will the liberals EVER wake up to their and the legal citizens danger and their own actions causing it?

  12. TeaTotal says - Posted: August 4, 2015

    Justass-How many Native Americans do you think were murdered by white people during the founding of our country?

  13. Justice says - Posted: August 4, 2015

    Relevance? For some brain dead people it is important to make an ass-a-nine comparison that has no validity to this crime wave. How many people anyone killed in ancient history is not the point of what these modern illegal killers are doing. The Indians on the borders are often their targets these days and who will be next is the question. Time to elect people who will take this problem seriously and let the local Sheriff’s do their jobs with the resources they need.