NDOW kills nuisance black bear in Incline


By Jeff DeLong, Reno Gazette-Journal

A problem-causing black bear that wildlife officials said was becoming increasingly dangerous was killed Tuesday in Incline Village.

The bear, a 9-year-old, 450-pound male, was captured Monday night or early Tuesday morning, tranquilized and subsequently euthanized with drugs, said Chris Healy, spokesman for the Nevada Department of Wildlife.

The bear was determined to be the same one that had been raiding trash, breaking into cars and knocking over fences in the area and was killed as a threat to public safety, Healy said.


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Comments (16)
  1. Toogee says - Posted: August 26, 2015

    Food for thought:

    For EVERY bear NDOW traps, regardless of relocating into a hunt zone or euthanizing, the cost incurred would pay for 10 steel bear boxes. Even a Nevada State Biologist that doesn’t hold any biology degrees should be able to see the logic in that.

  2. sunnski says - Posted: August 26, 2015

    So you’re saying NV should buy bear boxes for everyone? How about people be responsible for themselves/ their actions instead of relying on the gov for everything.

  3. Lisa says - Posted: August 26, 2015

    Again ? When will it ever stop? When will people wake up? The people,not the bears.So sad ,Before you know it, there will be no Bears at all left, I guess it was soppose to be this way ..REST IN PEACE BEARS.

  4. Local2 says - Posted: August 26, 2015

    Garbage bear proof containers folks will save the bears/wildlife of Tahoe, do your part if your concerned for the Lake Tahoe Wildlife, it’s the only answer in our expressed control.

  5. JoAnn Conner says - Posted: August 26, 2015

    I thought Incline Village, where this occurred, had mandatory bear boxes? Our method here on South Shore, that starts with greater education, then a warning, then a fine, then a bear box, is a good move.

  6. CSB says - Posted: August 26, 2015

    Toogee, that NV biologist has been advocating stricter ordinances for years. Local jurisdictions are responsible for trash ordinances and enforcement, not wildlife agencies. Personally attacking a biologist is not a valid argument in support of ordinance or policy changes and serves no purpose.

    The trash/habituation issues exist wherever humans and bears cross paths — to a greater or lesser degree depending on environmental conditions. For instance, in 2014, the cadfw issued 450 depredation permits with somewhere close to 150 bears taken, according to a graph on their website. And all bear habitat in CA is in a hunt zone — including the Tahoe basin, if I’m not mistaken. Hopefully, wildlife advocates in CA are actively working to change the depredation policy, strengthen trash ordinances and end bear hunting using strong, valid arguments rather than focusing blame on individual department employees.

    In any case, the entire Tahoe region, both NV and CA, needs stronger trash ordinances to reduce human/bear conflict and in order for that to happen, residents need to contact their local representatives in support of such changes. There’s no other way. And, there’s no town in the region, including Incline, with mandatory bear boxes, let alone mandatory BRCs. Mandatory metal bear boxes are likely too expensive to implement, but BRCs are more affordable and would help… Unfortunately, trash collection (and all the issues surrounding it) is complicated and difficult to standardize.

  7. Whip says - Posted: August 26, 2015

    Would have liked to see bear boxes mandatory as part of the new VHR ordinance.

  8. JoAnn Conner says - Posted: August 26, 2015

    Whip – just to clarify, part of the problem with enforcement has been all the different rules for all the different entities. The new ordinance will apply to VHR’s as well, so the first time will be a warning, then by the third time they will be required to install a bear box. Not all VHR’s are irresponsible with their trash.

  9. Steven says - Posted: August 26, 2015

    Three times is way too much. First time-fine and bear box- END OF PROBLEM !
    Stop patting yourself on the back Conner.

  10. Lisa says - Posted: August 26, 2015

    Agree with you Steve ,Time for action.

  11. Steve says - Posted: August 26, 2015

    Today we received in the mail a “notice” from the City of South Lake Tahoe, presumably sent to all residential property owners in the city, at 48.5 cents first class postage, containing information about registering vacation rentals and timid messages to vacation renters about “Leaving No Impact” and so on. One of the directives refers to outside posted parking requirements at VHR’s that largely does not exist.

    Since this notification was presumably sent to all residential property owners in the city, why nothing was included about the new bear box program requirements is beyond comprehension, indicating that the City will be no more competent at enforcing the bear issues than it was with its failure to enforce its own vacation rental rules.

    Ready, fire, aim.

  12. Lisa says - Posted: August 26, 2015

    BANG ,Bang ,they shot the bear, Bang ,Bang ,it hit the ground, Bang ,bang, Its dead now,LOVE THE NDOW .Dont you just love LAckEy? whacky??????

  13. JoAnn Conner says - Posted: August 26, 2015

    Steven says – the ordinance was crafted by three jurisdictions: El Dorado County, Douglas County, and the City of South Lake Tahoe. I don’t see anywhere I “patted myself on the back,” I’m sorry if you read that into my explanation. What we came up with was based on input from our citizens, the majority of whom felt it should be as we wrote. It was not included in the mailer because all three entities have to approve it and bring it back in September, when we hope to make it official. All five of the City Council voted for this ordinance.

  14. pine tree says - Posted: August 27, 2015

    Three times is too long for a bear. It is already used to finding food in that area and will find something else in the neighborhood to break into and teach it’s cubs.

  15. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 27, 2015

    Pine Tree,
    A) you have no clue as to what you’re talking about. Multiple bears move through that area, so how exactly do they know they one is the culprit in all those situations?

    B) just an fyi, male bears don’t give birth to cubs, nor do they have anything to do with raising them, hence teaching cubs ANY behavior is not even in the realm of possibilities.

  16. Lisa says - Posted: August 27, 2015

    They say Bears in Lake Tahoe are not dangerous ,Does anyone know that bears once they are scared off ,they run from you ? Bears dont hurt you ,people do,If you do not understand this ,you need to look up bears in Lake Tahoe. Mr lacky you did wrong again,I just dont feel you belong here You are so uneducated,about bears,You did wrong , so wrong again,why did you not just place this bear somewhere else,?You need to be fired. You are a very sick man.sick , sick , sick.