Schools partly at fault for teens’ lack of sleep
By Rebecca Klein, Huffington Post
Most kids are severely sleep deprived, and early school starting times aren’t helping.
Across the country, only 17.7 percent of middle and high schools start classes after 8:30am, contrary to 2014 recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Instead, the average school start time for middle and high schools around the country is 8:03am, according to a new analysis from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The AAP recommends that schools start after 8:30 to help teens get 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep a night — the amount the AAP says is ideal. Currently, less than a third of high school students sleep eight hours a night, says the CDC analysis.
The analysis uses 2011-2012 information from the Department of Education to glean the start times of about 39,700 schools. Alaska has the latest average school start time at 8:33am, while Louisiana has the earliest at 7:40am.
Yes, let’s once again put the blame elsewhere, a lot the idiots re emerging in Ferguson again. The little school tots should get to bed earlier! Problem solved. It’s starts at home.
Philosophically I tend to agree with you. However, when study after study indicates that adolescents learn more with a later start time, it is hard to ignore this relatively inexpensive adjustment.
Instead of attempting to use science and years of study to help our young people do their best in school, we should bad mouth these ideas and blame ‘a lot the idiots’ in Ferguson, Kansas.
The biggest idiots in Ferguson the other day were the over-compensating-armed with military assault weapons- small penis/IQ oath keepers. They claimed they were there to protect some Alex Jones shill. Amazingly, none of these mouth-breathers were hassled or arrested