21-year-old woman accused of stealing car


A 21-year-old transient was arrested Wednesday night on auto theft charges.

South Lake Tahoe police officers on Sept. 16 stopped Tarra Sheffield driving a 1991 Honda Accord that had been reported missing last weekend.

Tarra Sheffield

Tarra Sheffield

This was one of four vehicles that had been reported stolen between Sept. 11 and Sept. 12. In every case, the ignition keys had been left in the vehicle. The other three vehicles have been recovered with no identified suspect.

Officers said when they searched the Honda they found methamphetamine, heroin and drug paraphernalia. Scheffield also faces methamphetamine, possession of heroin, and possession of drug paraphernalia charges.

“Until November of last year, each of the offenses for which Sheffield was arrested last night constituted a felony offense, punishable in state prison for four years in the case of auto theft,” Lt. Brian Williams said in a press release.

Local officers are blaming Proposition 47 for the 12 percent spike in property crimes this year.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (35)
  1. louis says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    hold on wait, I’m a little confused. I thought prop 47 was about reducing some offenses to a misdemeanor, hence the drug charges are more about putting the person in the system so they can get help. Not turning grand theft auto into basically a parking ticket???

  2. Mel says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    Why aren’t the police blaming the people who leave their keys in their cars?

  3. Liberule says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    That is no woman. It’s a thugged out meth monkey. Time to take our town back from these beasts.

  4. Justice says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    Prop 47 is another liberal disaster this state is facing and should be repealed as it and open borders for cheap dangerous drugs creates people like this and then releases them over and over until they really do something bad like kill someone. Crime is increasing and property crimes especially and violent crime isn’t far behind. Liberals fail to understand that crime increases when penalties decrease.

  5. WalkingMom says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    Leaving your keys in an unlocked car seems like a personal problem, and not something the police should be wasting their time on. Poor form to ignore that fact in pushing their political agenda.

  6. Steve says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    It is astonishing what people will vote for while being led to the cliff like lemmings.

  7. K.Clancy says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    I wholeheartedly agree with you. You must have watched the GOP debate clown show too. Prop. 47 is aimed at finding alternatives to our total disaster of a prison system. Besides hate for liberals what do y’all have for ideas about solving this problem?

  8. hmmm... says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    “That is no woman. It’s a thugged out meth monkey. Time to take our town back from these beasts.”

    What do you suggest?

  9. Kits Carson says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    Statistics now show that releasing these turds back into society has driven up crime rates. Another FAILED liberal project from the senile old goat, Moonbutt. Anyone with a lick of common sense predicted the results.

    “That is no woman. It’s a thugged out meth monkey.” For once I have to agree with hmmm

  10. yobobbyb says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    Walking Mom… next time you leave something out and unattended, and it gets stolen, blame yourself, not the thief. After all, the moke probably would have been a potential citizen of the month awardee had it not been for your thoughtless actions that baited him or her into a life of larceny.

  11. hmmm... says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    @Kits…that was Lib’s quote that I copied…not mine. Your awareness and comprehension is abhorrent.

    I am no fan of junkies, tweakers and thieves…I tend to view situations in terms of ‘individual problems tend to have societal causes’, not to absolve individuals of responsibility or accountability, but to contextualize things so we can implement realistic and effective solutions in the present that will have positive impacts for future generations. America needs to grow up.

  12. michael lee says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    This may sound silly to some of you. But i have to ask.
    Are there methadone clinic’s available locally? Seems to be an uptick with heroin use.
    Just asking….. All addicts can not be worthless if given a opportunity to help themselves.

  13. Kits Carson says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    Hmmm, my bad for giving you credit where it was not due.

    What are your “solutions” to meth head, heroin, government leaching, car stealing transient pukes? I’m all ears.

  14. Kits Carson says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    Here’s one idea. Take them into you own home Hmmm and yak with them about life and how you will save them. Ha! That would go over like a fart in church. They, as this waste of a chick in the pic, have chosen their path. THEY are to blame…not society.

    Libs want society to fix the ignorant losers decisions they make time after time. When will you just get it?!!! They are responsible for their own situations, not the rest of us.

  15. Kits Carson says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    Funny how people still leave keys in a car. That amazes me but still, that doesn’t give any scumbag the right to steal it.

    Dirt bags excuse to Judge: Well Judge, they left their keys in their car so I am not to blame for stealing it. I was in quick need of another FIX and couldn’t walk.
    That’s the logic and just HOW that is logical is mind boggling. This insect needs to be put away so it doesn’t prey on others. OH, but your governor thinks they should be set free. P A T H E T I C!!

  16. Sunriser2 says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    The city should hurry up and build the warming shelter for the poor drug addicts, bums and beggars.

    The availability of cheap week to week motels is bringing too many low life’s to South Shore.

  17. Kits Carson says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    Sunriser2: You are right. There should be no shelters so the scum will move on soon as our weather gets colder. If they don’t and they freeze then that’s yet another stupid decision on their part.

    Cheap flea bag motels is where that puke drug dealer got killed. They are a magnet for scum and crime. South shore is well known as the ghetto of the lake. Pretty sad.

  18. hmmm... says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    When you guys are finished ***in each other off…here’s a few ideas to start an adult discussion: let’s get corporate money out of politics…let’s keep politicians from becoming lobbyists…let’s look at a livable wage for all work so people can actually raise their children. Let’s decriminalize being poor. You wanna take a kid who makes mistakes and turn them into a career criminal? Send em to jail or prison for a real education. People may be stupid but they’re not dumb. Address the double standards in politics and corporate behavior(eliminate the stock market so that corporations are beholden to the public, not shareholders) and economics. Mandatory military or domestic service for the first 3 years out of high school/dropping out. Make the second offense for driving under the influence a capital offense, no excuses, no buying your way out of it.Same for politicians and corporate management caught lying in order to enrich themselves. Stop glorifying criminal behavior on TV and movies. Take em into your own home dikwad so you can show them the right way to be…YOUR belief allowed for the cultural neglect that creates these problems.
    All you guys wanna do is sit around with your hands on each other’s wangers and laugh about the government spending too much money on social programs and education and wanting to send everyone to jail.

  19. Dogula says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    @ Hmmmm
    Corporate money is out but union money is okay?
    I’m with you on the lobbyists/politicians thing. But let’s go further. Let’s get rid of lobbyists completely. And most of the politicians. We have far too many.
    Let the market (and your skill set) determine the correct wage.
    Being poor isn’t a crime. Most poor people don’t get arrested.
    Let’s eliminate political/corporate cronyism instead of the stock market. Selling stock is how companies fund their growth.
    Mandatory NOTHING. Mandatory servitude is just another name for slavery. I thought you guys were against slavery?
    Driving under the influence as a capital crime? Imprisoning people before they hurt anybody doesn’t sound like a good way to reduce the prison population. Just a good way to keep lawyers rolling in dough. And you accuse US of wanting to send everyone to jail??

  20. Kits Carson says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    Hmmm: You are pretty clueless. How’s that ‘education and social programs’ working? Certain habitual idiots belong in jail. If you don’t see this then you are dumber than I gave you credit for.

  21. hmmm... says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    Agreed on Union money. Agreed on lobbyists.
    I stand by my comments on living wage, mandatory service of some sort so they can figure out FOR THEMSELVES what works and what doesn’t, given the bullpucky that the church, corporations and politicians fill peoples minds with. It is NOT slavery, it is getting people away from what they’ve had their head pumped full of by their immediate circumstance. The death penalty for the second offense of driving under the influence. I’m NOT saying to put them in jail. And yes, a hugely disproportionate number of those arrested ARE poor. And minorities. I have no problem with a corporation growing, so long as they pay their workers, their taxes, and are accountable to those who buy their products. Remember there was a time in America when companies had to sign a charter with a community to make use of the local resources(including labor). Let’s do away with the lie that corporations are people.
    The way the game is rigged, the majority of those who play by the rules wind up getting screwed by corporations while their henchmen in gub’mint watch Our young people see this rather clearly and refuse to play with the house dice. I don’t always agree with it, but I understand the why behind the what.

  22. Kits Carson says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    I wouldn’t put much credence in some of the younger people now. They can’t even spell or write a complete sentence and have little clue of who our presidents in history were. I saw something today where many were interviewed and ask if Richard Nixon will stand a chance in this election. All but one said yes, or no. They had NO CLUE the reporter was baiting them….or how ignorant they sounded. I guess I-pad and cell phones don’t do much in the way of educating these lost souls. Pretty sad. It’s even sadder that they don’t realize how lame and stupid they are.

  23. Michael Lee says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    Hmmmm, speak it bro…… so much more to the issue.
    KC, maybe weekends in the gas chamber for this 21 year old drug addict? That would teach her your values….

  24. Justice says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    “Livable wage” is a joke, the consumer would have to pay for it and subsidize bad choices people make to not have skills and it also eliminates jobs and drives business away. For drug addicts two things seem to work, for those that want to get off of the dope an in-custody treatment program in a state facility is in order for first offenders. For those that keep committing crimes for their habit, they need to be locked up for a long time where they can’t get more dope. Then close the borders and arrest the drug cartel illegals in the country and deport them along with all the other illegals bringing the dope in.

  25. hmmm... says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    Kits…being called clueless by so perceptive a mental giant such as yourself is actually a compliment. Regarding the last line of your post….neither do you, apparently.

    Justice…unless we are going to continue our slide towards a fascist police state brought on by food riots(more and more the movie The Running Man is looking prophetic!) a living wage is not a joke…it is necessary.

  26. billy the mountain says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    “Corporate money is out but union money is okay?”
    Typical straw dog logical fallacy.
    Can you go a full week without doing that?

  27. Biggerpicture says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    ““Livable wage” is a joke, the consumer would have to pay for it”

    So what you’re saying Justice is that you find paying 14cents more for your Double Whopper will ruin you financially?


  28. reloman says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    the Min wage should have always been peged to the CPI, if it was the wage would now be $11.30 an hr. and those people who had been on a job for a few years would be close to $14 an hour, if they deserved increases. but to increase it a dollar a yr till it gets to $15 an hr, will cause wage inflation that will show up in the cost to the consumers. It all comes out of the consumers pockets, the corps wont be taking it out of their profits, if any one believes that, i do have a bridge in brooklin i can sell them.
    Hmmm, I agree with almost all that you are saying except for DUI, Heck we dont even kill mass serial killers in this state. Charles Manson is still on death row after 45 years.
    The prop 47 is that drug addicts arent being forced to get help, all it did was tell them, if they steal and get caught they wont have to serve their time. Should have been forced 60 inhouse rehab

  29. Biggerpicture says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    And to Justice, Kits, and all the other folks screaming that undocumented workers are the scourge ruining this nation here is a tidbit from the Congressional Research Service and other impeccable sources of these facts: Undocumented immigrants are far less likely than the general population to commit crimes, and they pay more in taxes and uncollectible benefits than they receive in public assistance.

  30. hmmm... says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    Manson deserves a bullet. He’s been around too long.

  31. Justice says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    Yet the statistics show clearly that a huge number of around 33% or more of prisoners are in the country illegally, they are committing the crimes and they are bringing the poison that is killing and ruining lives like cheap heroin/meth in. That is the current epidemic, not to mention all of the other crimes. There shouldn’t even be a debate about what to do with millions of law breaking people in the country, they should be advised to return to their countries within 90 days or face a prison sentence of five years and then deportation.

  32. Rick says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    Justice, you are pulling those stats from a biased source, because gov stats do not support you. If you listen to Alex Jones and others like him, consider yourself a looser.


  33. Justice says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    These stats are from the 2005 GAO report. They are much higher now.

  34. Biggerpicture says - Posted: September 18, 2015

    “they should be advised to return to their countries within 90 days or face a prison sentence of five years”

    So Justice you CONTINUALLY whine that undocumented immigrants are ruining our nation, and above you argue that 33% of all inmates in US prisons are undocumented immigrants and then go on to suggest we should spend in the ballpark of $150,000 per person to incarcerate the rest of them for five years each?

    WOW! Do you realize that you are talking about spending in the ballpark of ONE POINT FIVE TRILLION DOLLARS to achieve what you are suggesting?

    You’re quite the rocket scientist, aren’t you?

    Think about it. Incarcerating 10,000,000 people for 5 years at the average cost of $30,000 a year equals $1,500,000,000,000. And those numbers don’t even factor in the cost of rounding them up and trying them in the court system.

    Get freakin’ real!