Blue Ribbon nominations being accepted

Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce is accepting nominations for the annual Blue Ribbon Awards.

The categories are:

  • Geotourism – Providing an authentic Tahoe experience.
  • Tourism – Innovative program, promotion or product for visitors.
  • Experience – Business providing compelling and captivating experiences.
  • Entrepreneur – An innovative individual who assumed the risk of starting a new business. (Business must have been in existence for a minimum of two years and should have a business plan in place).
  • Customer service (business) – An individual who consistently provides quality service.
  • Customer Sservice (public agency) – Quality service in the not so usual places.
  • Wendell Award for a Green Business or Program – Business that is minimizing impact on the environment.

For more info or to make a nomination, go online.

Winners will be announced Nov. 12 at a dinner at MontBleu in Stateline.