Event to provide food for kids in South Lake Tahoe
Bread and Broth 4 Kids will be having the inaugural Cram-A-Cruiser event on Sept. 26 at the Grocery Outlet located at 2358 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe.
A South Lake Tahoe police cruiser will be parked in front of the store from 9am-1pm and will be stuffed full of food that will be used to feed food insecure children in the community. People are encouraged to bring donations that are single serving size and can be easily prepared by children such as macaroni and cheese, Cup-of-Noodles, tuna, soups, canned vegetables, fruit cups, granola bars, fruit snacks, canned ravioli and spaghetti, juice boxes and any other single serving foods appropriate for kids in grades K-8.
Bread and Broth 4 Kids starts the school year off with supporting 100 local food-insecure school children with a backpack full of food every Friday. With so many children receiving free or reduced cost breakfasts and lunches in South Lake Tahoe schools, Bread and Broth 4 Kids has stepped in the help them with food over the weekend when the school lunch programs cannot help.
Page and Sage served 67 students a week over the last 3.5 years. Started by Paula Peterson with the assistance of Tahoe Douglas Rotary Club in 2012, Page and Sage grew as far as they could without being a nonprofit and with a limited number of volunteers. They also grew out of their generously donated storage and packing space at Temple Bat Yam.
Bread and Broth, a charitable, nonprofit organization whose mission is to feed those less fortunate in South Lake Tahoe with more 100 volunteers, contacted Page and Sage to see how they could assist the program.
Bread and Broth 4 Kids is the result of the collaboration and is poised to grow and help more kids in need in the South Lake Tahoe community.