Letter: Elks volunteer at Bread & Broth

To the community,

The volunteers at Bread & Broth would like to thank the Tahoe Douglas Elks Lodge No. 2670 for sponsoring their third Adopt A Day of Nourishment this year on Aug. 17. One of B&B’s most ardent supporters, the Elks Lodge has been hosting several B&B Monday evening dinners annually since the inception of the Adopt A Day program over five years ago.

Their help in feeding those struggling with hunger is just one of the many ways the Tahoe Douglas Elks Lodge supports the South Lake Tahoe community.

“We appreciate the opportunity to serve the nutritious meals served at B&B dinners and work with people that care about the needs of the community,” explained Jeanne Barragan as to why the Elks Lodge sponsors so many B&B dinner.

Barragan was joined by fellow Elks Lodge members Roger Barragan, Jay Bryan and Don and Dee Young, all of who have served on Elks’ AAD sponsor crews many times over the years.

Thanks to the Elks Lodge’s donation of $250 and the support of its members, over 100 members of our community were served hearty servings of spaghetti, mixed veggies, green salad and desserts and then sent home with bags filled with fruits, vegetables, dairy products, breads and pastries.  Kudos to the Tahoe Douglas Elks Lodge for helping people in need.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth